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oil pipes
rjs - 22/3/07 at 01:55 PM

ive started fitting my oil cooler & had to first fit a remote oil filter as there wasnt room for the take of plate , ( 1.8 zetec ) anyway the feed pipe to the remote head looks like this .
is the kink in the pipe to much & going to cause problems before i go any further ?????????????????? Rescued attachment PICT0010.JPG
Rescued attachment PICT0010.JPG

BenB - 22/3/07 at 01:58 PM

Don't do it!!!! Even if it seems to work to begin with, is it worth the risk?
First thing you'll likely know if it kinks more and closes completely is the engine dying...
I'd be tempted to do it properly in the first place... what's the ID of the tube- can you use a 90 degree microbore copper plumbing pipe to make the angle??

BenB - 22/3/07 at 02:04 PM

If there's room why not loop it?
IE tube comes down, then slowly loops round to the right then comes back up again and round to the bit on the left...
It would mean a much greater diameter curve, only downside would be you might have to support the loop with a cable tie or two..

I've tried drawing it in ASCII but it keeps on going Pete Tong...

rayward - 22/3/07 at 02:05 PM

looks fine now, but will probably fold flat once hot,

as said not worth taking the chance


02GF74 - 22/3/07 at 03:34 PM

look ok - is is special tube or water hose?

the hose I have for my cooler, bought from hydraulics place, is thick walled so isn't likely too kink but best to be on the safe side.

Can you not buy a preformed right angle tube in that size?

Or better still find a metal right angle fitting - that'll solve it.

is that 1/2 in. bore?

[Edited on 22/3/07 by 02GF74]

BenB - 22/3/07 at 07:41 PM

O/P you have U2U!!!

Just found a perfect pre-curved pipe in my parts-bin to put there but its 8mm ID so might be too small...

rjs - 23/3/07 at 09:31 AM

after reading your post i went to parkers hydraulics ,& sorted it by getting a right angled conector looking like this . the hose was proper oil cooler pipe of 1/2 id.
thanks all Rescued attachment PICT0015.JPG
Rescued attachment PICT0015.JPG

rjs - 23/3/07 at 09:58 PM

& fitted to the car .does it look better ??? Rescued attachment PICT0019.JPG
Rescued attachment PICT0019.JPG