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Pinto height
James - 16/1/02 at 02:57 PM

Like so many others I've decided to use a Pinto engine but one of my concerns with it is the height of the engine (from sump to filler cap). I've decided to move the filler cap- in itself not too hard to plate/fill the original hole and cut a new one at the opposite 'end' of the tappit cover, but I'd be interested to hear what others have used (or might use) for the filler cap at the other end. Examples I've seen on the web appear to use something other than the original so I wondered what they may have used.

Also, I've read about modifying the sump by ruducing the depth of it but widening it somewhat to keep the same oil capacity. This seems quite a lot harder than the cap, I've heard of people using an RS2000 (I think) alloy sump but I don't know anything about these: are they actually shallower at all, do they hold the same capacity, is it a straight swop, price?(!). I've heard of a shallow sump being available for the Pinto but know nothing about them or if one would be worth getting.

One idea I've had to help reduce the engine height (but not size!) is to weld the plates that the engine mounts go on to the underside of the chassis tubes, thus reducing engine height by a whole 1"! What does anyone think of this? It may mean moving tubes somewhat and be more hassle than it's worth but wondered what anyone thought. :-)

Any information about reducing the size of the Pinto would be gratefully received!

Thanks in advance,


bob - 16/1/02 at 06:43 PM are specialists on ford lumps,they make their own shallow sump but it is many pennies £150 exchange.
You might get a pic on the web site catalogue,just to give you an idea.

James - 17/1/02 at 12:19 PM


I'll check them out.



Ian Pearson - 24/1/02 at 09:01 PM

Chopping the sump is not difficult. The general consensus seems to be to cut it so that it’s level with the bell housing, about an 1 ½”. From what I’ve read, some people weld on a little extension for the capacity that has been lost, some add an oil cooler, some don’t bother. If you go to, and click on BUILDTIPZ, there is an article that’ll point you in the right direction.

As for moving the oil filler, I cut mine as close to the cover as poss., and welded it to the rear side at a slight angle. I now realise that I’ve a little more room at the rear than I thought, so I may hack another one to pieces and try to make a slightly neater job with an elbow of some sort. If you click on this link,, it’ll take you to John Snowdons build page, which shows you a pic of a modified cover.