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Propshaft too short by literally an inch or 2?? (Type 9 Box - Sierra Diff)
mattgriffiths2002 - 17/9/07 at 01:24 PM

Hi guys,

I have a standard size locost propshaft fitted between a type 9 box and a Sierra LSD but after fitting my transmission I have found that it is literally a couple of inches too short. I think I could do with a sandwich plate of about an inch or 2 thickness between the diff and the propshaft but does anyone know where I can get this from or if there is anything else I could do to solve this problem?

Has anyone else had this problem too?

Thanks for your help,


nick205 - 17/9/07 at 01:34 PM

Do you have any option to move the engine and gearbox further back in the car?

Fatgadget - 17/9/07 at 02:10 PM

^^^ Well worth persevering down that route.It's a hassle but the benefits far outweigh the grief involved.

David Jenkins - 17/9/07 at 02:11 PM

Don't forget that you don't want the propshaft fully home into the gearbox - you should leave it about 1" out.

(But you may well know that already... )

snapper - 17/9/07 at 03:07 PM

Could be a chance to fit the V6 box with the Caterham 30mm spacer then you only have to move the gearbox mount

novacaine - 17/9/07 at 06:09 PM

i think you should cut the chassis in half and remove 1 to 2 inches from it, weld it back together find that the propshaft is still too short and then slap yourself for not measuring the gap between the prop and the diff.

or something like that

mattgriffiths2002 - 17/9/07 at 06:52 PM

Thanks for your suggestions,

The box is as far back as it will go really so that isnt really an option. The shaft is probably sticking out 2 or 3 inches with about 1 or 2 inches in the box.

I think I might go for the spacer option between the shaft and the diff but does anyone know where I can get something like that from?


JB - 18/9/07 at 06:30 PM

Do the job properly and get the prop lengthened.

OR advertise the prop and sell it to someone on here who needs one that length and then get a new one made.

John Bonnett - 18/9/07 at 06:57 PM

I just wondered how your prop fits compared with the one in the Phoenix which works fine.

John Rescued attachment Phoenix Build-026.jpg
Rescued attachment Phoenix Build-026.jpg

mattgriffiths2002 - 18/9/07 at 07:18 PM


Yeh my set up looks similar to that and the propshaft looks exactly the same. I dont think my gearbox goes back as far as that though and I am struggling to make it as any further back would mean it hitting the bulkhead.


jonnyprop - 2/10/07 at 11:09 AM

Why don't you have your propshaft lengthened? Or alternatively have a new one built with geaseable circlip UJ's, recomended if you still have the original Ford staked/crimped in UJ's.
Dunning & Fairbank can do this for you but need to know the distance from the gearbox oil seal to the diff flange face.
check out