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anybody got one of these...
nathanharris1987 - 23/11/07 at 06:20 PM

I bought a gear remote from tiger (the new one that looks like a Westfield remote not the thing that looks like its design could be rivalled by something made out of wood!!) and there is a hell of a lot of play in it, even before you get to engage anything in the gearbox.

In the same compartment as the reverse stop was there’s a little plastic bit that sits between the gear level and the actual gearbox mechanism.


Has any body got one of these little guys spare? It should fill the space between the new gear lever and the tiger remote as they’ve designed it to be like the gearbox you would put the gear lever onto.



donut - 23/11/07 at 06:25 PM

Are you talking about the little black plastic cradle that the type 9 gear leaver sit in? if so i have a few spare

rusty nuts - 23/11/07 at 06:27 PM

Got one from Ford about a pound IIRC

nathanharris1987 - 23/11/07 at 07:18 PM

word, bob set me straight on this one, £1.25 from burton power or probs less from ford, jobs a goodun!