Anybody used Puma Racing?
I have read the articles written on
I have my own impressions, but was wondering if any one had any actual experience of them?
[Edited on 29/12/03 by liam.mccaffrey]
No personal experience but he is fairly well regarded by Pug owners. They don't always like his opinions but I can't see the guy writing all
the stuff he does if he isn't able to produce the goods?
Which engine are you using? I am planning to fit a (virtually) standard 16v XU9J4 motor from a 16v Citroen BX for starters. Once the car is on the
road I will be speaking to Mr Puma Racing about a gas flowed head and some fast road cams, but that is way off in the future. Get the car on the road
I agree with you it would apear that this guy knows his stuff, the articles he has written are very informative and interesting. He seems to have
really quite stron opinions and doesn't apear to "suffer fools gladly"!
Mcsorley +422, De Dion rear
I am going to be using a pinto straight from a sierra to try to keep costs down. Once built I plan a sort of running developement of the car, with
respect to the engine I am undecided as to have the head reworked (By Puma probably)and spend some money making a good fast road car, or when the time
comes save my money and plumping for something more pokier(4age)
Experience and commments welcome.
I'd be interested to hear what someone who's delt with him thinks. I've only heard comments like the ones below but believe after a
heated discussion on engine tunning he was asked to leave the sevens mailing list.
Perhaps he doesn't suffer seven's gladly as well as fools
It would b interesting what it was about