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Off cut suppliers
Julian B - 7/1/04 at 06:10 PM

Hi all

I have seen at several kit car shows a chap who sells off cuts of alluminium and brass etc. I need to make up a top hat affair for the waterpump on my rover v8 engine so as to move the water pump pulley back. Does any one know who this chap is or where i can get i big lump of ally to turn down.


Hellfire - 7/1/04 at 06:43 PM

...normally have a couple of guys selling bits and bobs like the part you describe.

They normally hold the event every month on a Saturday weekend - unsure as to actual date.

Not knowing where you're from, doesn't help if you're miles away!

jacko - 7/1/04 at 08:29 PM

Julian where do you come from wich town
do you know anyone at british aero space


Julian B - 8/1/04 at 08:23 AM

Hi all

I live in Cumbria just outside the town of Penrith, and unfortunatly i dont know anyone in the aerospace industry.
