posted on 26/4/12 at 08:16 PM |
twin 40 dellotos
hi everyone i am looking for some advice, i have removed the downdraught webber carb from my tiger and am installing side draught dellortos and was
wanting to know where the vac pipe from the distributor goes, any help please........
austin man
posted on 26/4/12 at 09:19 PM |
Normally into the manifold
Life is like a bowl of fruit, funny how all the weird looking ones are left alone
Canada EH!
posted on 26/4/12 at 09:41 PM |
It goes into the manifold as said, however in most cases the vacuum available has been reduced as that cylinder only comes into play every fourth
time, always been a problem. It helps to use the cylinder closest to the dizzy.
posted on 26/4/12 at 10:20 PM |
4 options available mate afaik
remove it and let the dissy run 2d ignition
tap into one runner but wont work great
tap all three runners and use a balance rail connected to all 4 runners then to dizzy
do it properly and get a megajolt programable ecu
posted on 27/4/12 at 07:28 AM |
I previously used a 'bestek' dizzy and electronic ignition to overcome this problem, you don't want to take a vacuum off of one of
the barrels as it will cause unbalanced running and incorrect vacuum. There are blanked off vacuum ports next to the main jets. The bestek kit was
idea and also got rid of the aged points and condenser. look on eBay for the company, they have a website too, if the engine is tuned from standard
they can pre set the advance ( sprung bob weights inside the dizzy).
Paul Turner
posted on 27/4/12 at 07:42 AM |
Do not simply plug the vacuum pipe into one inlet, the vacuum will be very unstable and your timing will be all over the place. If you feel the need
to connect the vacuum pipe it needs connecting to all 4 to balance the pulses.
I ran twin 40's and 45's on x-flows and a zetec for 20 years or so, never connected the vac pipe. Its easier to get the dizi modified so
that its not required.