The Simmonds
posted on 17/7/12 at 08:13 AM |
Pinto oil pickup for a modified sump
Hi I have a 1600 ford pinto in my Locost. Just doing some work on the engine and realised that there is no wire mesh filter on the oil pickup. The
guy who modified the sump, must have taken the original pickup and cut the end off to make it fit in the shortened sump. How dangerous is this? I
mean in theory the wire mesh can only stop large bits and pieces going through the pipe system and there shouldnt be any large bits and pieces in the
sump anyway?!
I would appreciate people's thoughts on this please. Is it custom to run an engine like this with no wire mesh on the oil pickup or if not is
there an elegant solution to the problem? There is now very little room between the crankshaft and sump to fit anything!
Many thanks
dave r
posted on 17/7/12 at 08:13 PM |
when i have shortened the few i have done, i always refit the trumpet, and mesh
I'd love to give my imaginary friend a great big hug,
but this jacket makes it impossible.