posted on 4/4/13 at 11:27 AM |
Fiesta Slave Clutch Pushfit Connector
Hi, I have a fiesta with a new pedal box and making up new hydraulic lines for brakes & clutch but the clutch slave cylinder uses a pushfit-type
of fitting, not the more familiar threaded type.
Does anyone have any info as to replacing this or options?
If I cannot find an adapter, I will need to look at flaring the tube to suit and connecting to it - what pipe flaring tool would be recommended to
work well on steel pipes?
PS: I ask on this forum rather than a fiesta forum as people here tend to have worked more with the actual mechanicals of their cars so thanks for
your help in advance.
posted on 4/4/13 at 12:56 PM |
I'm guessing it's something similar to the picture below. The push fit ones are usually teamed up with plastic tubing commonly used in the
pneumatics field. Your local fluid power/hydraulics place will have a counter service and access to thousands of fittings and options to make the
connection. If you take your slave and pipe along they'll sort you out in a jiffy I'm sure.
Edit: you'll need the OEM connector if it's a special like the VW one though
[Edited on 4/4/13 by Litemoth]
posted on 4/4/13 at 04:58 PM |
Hi, I am not sure, I found this picture which may illustrate it better:
eBay Item
posted on 4/4/13 at 05:59 PM |
In that case, It's a Ford specific fitting probably. I assume you have the fitting with some 3/16” (4.76mm) steel pipe sticking out of it. The
cheapie flaring kits won't do the steel pipe so what I would do (locost style) is take it to a motor factors who will put a nut on and flare it
so that you can connect some copper based pipe onto it (which you can flare with a cheapie flaring kit) using a joiner like this:
If you buy a joiner and some cupro-nickel pipe off them, they'll probably flare it for free. You can then flare the rest with a £15 flaring kit.
a Sykes Pickavant or similar steel pipe flaring tool will be £100 plus
posted on 5/4/13 at 06:25 AM |
I had a "bad feeling" when I saw it . Oh well, need to treat myself to a good brake flaring tool anyway .
Thanks for all the help everyone.
rusty nuts
posted on 5/4/13 at 06:51 PM |
Put your location in your profile , someone near to you may be able to help