posted on 17/3/14 at 10:30 AM |
Help identify my engine age
Hello chaps,
Bought an as new Zetec short engine from this forum towards the end of last year. I was informed that it was an 'EU' spec' engine as
it was fitted with pocketed pistons rather than the normal flat topped pistons. Well........ My engine builder believes that it may be an ST170
block as it certainly shares sump gaskets etc from that engine. I still think that it might be a Ford development engine and this is where I need the
combined help of the Locost fraternity. The engine numbers on the block don't seem to make any sense. Please take a look at the pictures below
and let me know what you think, I wait with baited breath....
Always biting off more than I can chew.....
posted on 17/3/14 at 10:34 AM |
Ford Technical Information Dept.
PO Box 300
1972 V8 Jago
1980 Z750
posted on 17/3/14 at 03:47 PM |
This should help but no's dont match
But these date only go to 2004
[Edited on 17/3/14 by Trollyjack]
posted on 17/3/14 at 03:57 PM |
Can't comment on Ford engines - but back in the day when I had a bike breakers, if we saw numbers stamped like those, it suggested that they had
been ground down and re-stamped by a punter (for obvious reasons).
As I said, might be normal for a Ford engine, so I could be way off the mark - but they don't look like 'factory' stamps to me.
posted on 17/3/14 at 05:23 PM |
quote: Originally posted by kingster996
Can't comment on Ford engines - but back in the day when I had a bike breakers, if we saw numbers stamped like those, it suggested that they had
been ground down and re-stamped by a punter (for obvious reasons).
As I said, might be normal for a Ford engine, so I could be way off the mark - but they don't look like 'factory' stamps to me.
I agree, the 'normal' factory engine number should look like its been printed on a 1980's dot matrix printer. These are definitely
not that.... The block is clearly 'as new' and seems to be a mish mash of Zetec blacktop and ST170 components. This is why I think it may
have been some kind of development mule. My engine builder has certainly never seen anything light it before. For instance, a standard Zetec Blacktop
dip stick tube won't fit this block....... In light of the fact that a second hand blacktop lump can be bought for around £50 I can't
believe people would bother grinding off engine numbers.....
Always biting off more than I can chew.....
posted on 17/3/14 at 06:04 PM |
Is it possible that this is a factory replacement engine. When I worked in a Bedford dealership some years ago it was practice to send engines to
dealers without a number on and we would replicate the original number on the new block.....Any engine swaps done by me carried my initials at the
posted on 17/3/14 at 06:15 PM |
Ford Power Products (previously Ford industrial) engines often have detail differences to the engines fitted to Fords? They're also stamped by
the end manufacturer instead of Ford?