posted on 9/9/14 at 06:13 PM |
What's the differance between using silicon hoses compared to aluminium or stainless pipes. Does silicon dissapate heat better.
posted on 9/9/14 at 06:42 PM |
I would speculate is the other way round.
Silicon is an insulator so will keep water temps hob but protect your engine bay from pipes bellowing of heat.
Aliminium will dissipate the heat into the engine bay.
It's best to have silicone to make sure the engine bay stays cool and the rad does its work.
Track days ARE the best thing since sliced bread, until I get a supercharger that is!
Please read my ring story:
Me doing a sub 56sec lap around Brands Indy. I need a geo set up!
posted on 9/9/14 at 06:45 PM |
You are not comparing like with like.
I doubt you can use metal pipes due to not being able tk fit them over outkets plus you need some give between a moving part e.v. the engine and a
fixed part e.g. radiator.
So you need a flexible connector, these can be sikicon or rubber type, i understand the former last longer ples are more resistang to expansion.
Alloy and stainless are useful for joining runs without hose sagging but the more joins you havr, the mofe likely one will leaj and are cheaper., and
maybe llighter and smaller diameter.
The metal hose joiner will dissipate heat better than ziliconr but that nkt significant compared to the radiator.
posted on 9/9/14 at 07:11 PM |
I as just thinking of doing the two long straight runs in Ali pipe and all the conecters, angles and reduces in silicon. Why are inter cooler pipes
normally metal ?
posted on 9/9/14 at 09:24 PM |
Intercooler pipes are rubber or metal but made to hood boost
Most metal pipes have rubber joiners
Your over thinking it
As for the comment about letting the rad do its job, the hot air goes into the engine bay in most cars so best to vent the bay to let hot air out
I have a mix of silicon and ally
I eat to survive
I drink to forget
I breath to pi55 my ex wife off (and now my ex partner)
posted on 10/9/14 at 07:51 AM |
I'm surprised nobody seems to mention how gas-permeable silicone is. It allows oxygen to pass through it, which has surely got to be a corrosion
posted on 10/9/14 at 09:59 PM |
Think ill use a mix of both. and put a few extra vents in the bonnet when I eventually get round to doing it.