posted on 12/9/14 at 11:34 AM |
Play in the Prop
Hi Guys,
Well just had a nice expensive new prop made for my striker.
Unfortunately, it hasn't cured the play i have at the output end of the gearbox.
It's around 1/2mm to 1mm all round when i grab and wobble the prop.
So, i've had a new prop so it's not that, could it be as simple as the gearbox seal being worn or am i potentially looking at bigger
Any ideas appreciated.
mark chandler
posted on 12/9/14 at 11:47 AM |
Does it leak oil, does it make the car shake or is it that it just annoys you?
If annoying ignore, to cure you need to pull the gearbox apart and install new bearings, even then the movement could be considered acceptable end
Regards Mark
Mr Whippy
posted on 12/9/14 at 11:48 AM |
maybe worn splines or at worst the bearing in the gearbox is shot, more likely the splines though. The new prop, did you reuse the splined section if
not then it may be the splines inside the gearbox but there usually submerged in oil. half a mm though that's not very much can't see that
causing any vibration tbh and so long as it wasn't leaking oil I'd ignore it personally
Mr Whippy
posted on 12/9/14 at 11:52 AM |
you should see an old landrover, they have real man’s play none of this girly 1mm nonsense
posted on 12/9/14 at 01:00 PM |
Thanks for the replies.
I can feel it quite a bit through the transmission (or gearbox)...
It's more than just annoying, doesn't feel right to me.
Just took it for a test drive again and the gear change is a bit troublesome as well.
Very hard to get into gear stationary, but was fine when the car warmed up, don't know if it's related?
Mr Whippy
posted on 12/9/14 at 03:07 PM |
quote: Originally posted by pekwah1
Very hard to get into gear stationary, but was fine when the car warmed up, don't know if it's related? your propshaft isn't even turning then, no
Have you checked the oil level or that it's the right type?
posted on 12/9/14 at 03:15 PM |
What gearbox is it ?
posted on 12/9/14 at 03:17 PM |
Yes, hard to select gears COLD when the prop isn't moving. Seems fine once it's warmed up.
Have checked oil and is fine.
It is a 5 speed type 9.
posted on 12/9/14 at 03:25 PM |
In the tail housing in front of the seal theres a brass or bronze bush thats always forgotten
This often wears and causes your symptom,often along with an oil leak
I know that a seal is a pita to change in situ so would imagine the tail has to come off for the bush
Google an exploded view to see what i mean
I think english diff company sells them as a kit
As for gears,what oil is in there
Will adjusting the cable help
Any strange noises
posted on 12/9/14 at 03:29 PM |
Here you go
posted on 12/9/14 at 04:12 PM |
thanks for that, might be worth a shot!
is it going to be impossible to change in situ? Access isn't that bad from under the car....
Paul Turner
posted on 12/9/14 at 05:13 PM |
Exactly the same type of bush kit I had to have fitted to my Type E 4 speed many years ago. Box needed stripping to enable fitting (needs a press to
get it out and in) and finding someone willing to do it was virtually impossible. Eventually a kind mechanic at our local truck place did it when he
was on nights for a drink.
posted on 12/9/14 at 05:24 PM |
My floors flat so i wouldnt attempt either way
I think the tail housing comes off the t9 bit not 100%
Is there a local gearbox specialist you can ask