posted on 31/3/15 at 12:52 PM |
how to air filter this
Hi All !
now the car is on the road and passed it's MOT
I need to think about how to filter this lot.
they are honda cbr600 rr7 trumpets, which of course on the bike would be within an air box.
They are 75mm in diameter, 2 are joined and are very close to the other 2!
I was thinking of single socks and cutting up the side and cable tying - will they just keep on ripping if I cut ?
also the single socks are 10mm too narrow for their internal diameter, will they stretch ?
bay ram air sock
the top of the bonnet scoop isn't too far away so not too much height available.
any thoughts ? ( I know I should probably make an air box, but haven't got the time, so looking for the next best, ie something better than
posted on 31/3/15 at 01:01 PM |
Filter socks are the work of the devil. Can you not fit slim sausage style filters?
posted on 31/3/15 at 01:31 PM |
screw the filters: kudos for the number of cylinders
When all you have is a hammer, everything around you is a nail.
posted on 31/3/15 at 01:50 PM |
how about a tray that meets the underside of the bonnet and then a filter on the inside of the inlet "slot"?
Fisher Fury was 2000 Zetec - now a 1600 (it Lives again and goes zoom)
posted on 31/3/15 at 04:13 PM |
I would go for a blank plate and a ram air filter. Not going to be easy to drill out, but I reckon it can be done.
RAMAIR Twin Carb Bolt On Air Filters With Blank Baseplate 65mm Internal Height
Obviously you need 2.......I used one of these on my build and manged to cram it into a very small space.
posted on 31/3/15 at 06:07 PM |
quote: Originally posted by theduck
Filter socks are the work of the devil. Can you not fit slim sausage style filters?
Definitely, it would be a shame go to all that trouble and then strangle the thing with filter socks.
posted on 31/3/15 at 06:11 PM |
quote: Originally posted by HowardB
how about a tray that meets the underside of the bonnet and then a filter on the inside of the inlet "slot"?
Exactly what I was thinking, and I kind of did the same.
I made a backing plate with holes and then bonded the trumpets onto the front of them. I then fitted a PX600 filter. For you, I would put a bit of
door trim (the stuff with P shape padding) around the edge so it butts up against the underside of the bonnet scoop. Then cut and fit foam to the
front of the bonnet scoop.
Nice and neat, and still looks mean when the bonnet is off to show off!!
Dont go for individual socks, it will choke the engine.
Track days ARE the best thing since sliced bread, until I get a supercharger that is!
Please read my ring story:
Me doing a sub 56sec lap around Brands Indy. I need a geo set up!
posted on 31/3/15 at 08:14 PM |
ok - I hear you !
don't try for a quick and easy win..
I best get making a plate and filter it at the front of the scoop.
I see some late nights ahead!
thanks for your input.
posted on 31/3/15 at 10:50 PM |
perspex air box with a ram cone filter..
posted on 1/4/15 at 06:24 AM |
I think you need to think outside the box more. Supercharger?