posted on 23/6/16 at 10:09 AM |
zetec exhaust manifold titanium
I 'm going to start the exhaust manifold in titanium.
I have to procure materials and know roughly the radius of the tubes so as to bend them .
The engine is a 2.0 zetec.
It did any of you , who already have an exhaust manifold made ​​of stainless steel , the opportunity to let me have maybe tube
posted on 23/6/16 at 11:17 AM |
Not saying you shouldn't (more interested), but what advantage does Titanium offer over stainless? The cost will be higher and from what I know
it's harder to weld as well.
posted on 23/6/16 at 12:07 PM |
The advantage that I'm interested in and less weight which if done in titanium. About 45% less weight
Welding and how welding stainless steel . Three very important things are : cleaning , gas Argon 6.0 , and solder in an oxygen free atmosphere .
As for the cost I agree with you , it's not cheap But since I have both the opportunity and the right equipment is costing me only the material
posted on 23/6/16 at 02:08 PM |
OK makes sense if you have the tools and equipment to do it. Material only cost makes it more reasonable. I must admit that I didn't factor
the weight saving bonus.
posted on 23/6/16 at 03:19 PM |
I tried to weld stainless tube to titanium on an R1 can with my mig. I accept I don't know what I'm doing but it didn't work at all!
posted on 23/6/16 at 04:29 PM |
The reason is simple : You can be welded titanium with titanium. Just try to weld titanium with stainless steel welding is just break you've
finished weld
posted on 23/6/16 at 06:30 PM |
When we made our Phoenix exhaust we carried out a "cut and shut" operation using two standard Fireblade manifolds.
Welding was easy according to Eldon.
Titanium has another plus point. It looks nice.
posted on 23/6/16 at 07:02 PM |
I want to try to bend the tubes so as to have the least possible welds .
The thickness of the tubes and approximately 1mm .
The diameter of the primary tubes and 46mm . secondary 52mm in the end he goes to 65mm .
Unless someone correct me with other more tested or rather measures