posted on 27/12/17 at 10:55 PM |
The 2CV had an openable roof so you could put large objects in the car, the brief suggested a pig could be carried on the back seat
[Edited on 27/12/17 by big-vee-twin]
Duratec Engine is fitted, MS2 Extra V3 is assembled and tested, engine running, car now built. IVA passed 26/02/2016
mark chandler
posted on 28/12/17 at 10:18 PM |
My brother had one, not that an interesting but is is a fact  
David Jenkins
posted on 29/12/17 at 10:12 AM |
My brother also owned one many years ago...
He told me about one incident: both he and his wife were RAF officers, living in a tiny Suffolk village. One day, in the very early hours of the
morning, they had to go on an exercise that involved them wearing fully biological warfare kit (like baggy diver's dry suits, with masks
dangling). They kitted up, got in their 2CV - and it wouldn't start. So there they were, looking like a couple of aliens, bump-starting their
little car at 2am in a pitch-black sleepy little village. I'd would have loved to see the reaction of any villagers who looked out of their
posted on 29/12/17 at 02:19 PM |
I had an Ami then a Dyane, in the latter I took out the seats (easy to do) and with the roof rolled back transported upright, a large fridge freezer.
Phoned the local ramblers club today, but the bloke who answered just
went on and on.
posted on 29/12/17 at 02:26 PM |