posted on 28/2/05 at 07:54 AM |
Honda Prelude (not a locost question) but maybe still of interest
I have just change the water pump and timing belt(s) on my 1994 Prelude 2.3 and all went well butwhat is the second belt (the balance shaft) for? what
do the balance shafts do? why are they there?
ps once more the haynes manual was wrong!!! had to half strip the engine down and redo all the TDC and belt tensioning
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NS Dev
posted on 28/2/05 at 08:21 AM |
The balancer shafts (and this is just from what I have been told/read, I don't know the exact physics of it!) balance out the inherent dynamic
vibration that an inline 4 cyl engine generates.
And yes, how crap Haynes can be is always a lovely surprise isn't it!!!
posted on 28/2/05 at 08:45 AM |
so does this
so does this not actually have any mechanical contact with the engine (crank or cams).
It is only counter wieghts to smooth out vibration (balance).
I suppose that is why it is called a balance shanft belt then.
thanks for the info, that puts the curiosity to bed.
P.S.it took me 4 hours to do the job the first time and then just over 2 the second.
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posted on 28/2/05 at 09:18 AM |
It removes the vibration caused by connecting rod -- the main mass of the connecting rod follows a rhomboid shaped path this causes a vibration that
can't be cancelled out by other means.
The 2.3 litre DOHC big block Honda 4 is a long stroke engine and without the shafts it would be even rougher a bit like the old Vauxhall 2.3 OHC slant
4. The downside of balancing shafts is it takes a fair bit of power to drive the shafts.
The 4 cylinder Rover T16 2 litre is smoother than the Honda unit and the Rover has no balancing shafts, it is also much freerer revving.
posted on 28/2/05 at 10:06 AM |
does the 2.2 vtec
have the balance shaft?
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posted on 1/3/05 at 08:27 AM |
Don't know never had much contact with em.
Spent yeserday afternoon changing the down pipe and Lambda sensor on the 623 -- I was really impressed with the Honda spec factory fit downpipe that
came off -- double skinned thick wall stainless tube it took a lot of angle grinding to get through.