posted on 22/6/04 at 11:43 AM |
Do I need this?
Afternoon All,
I've got a Weber 32/36 DGAV and manifold from a 2.0l Capri. At the base of the manifold is a Ported Vacuum Switch which connects via 2 rubber
tubes to the carb. This switch is broken and Ford tell me they are no longer available. Do I really need one or could I remove and blank off the hole
in the manifold and run rubber tubing between the two connections on the carb.
Hope someone can help.
posted on 22/6/04 at 02:06 PM |
rearange these well used words to make a scentance....bin,in,the
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
posted on 22/6/04 at 02:18 PM |
bin the in
in bin the
the bin in
the in bin
in the bin
I'm sure I've got one, just don't know where I've put it