posted on 21/9/11 at 11:46 AM |
Facet Pump
Just wondering...
Do I realy need the large facet fuel pump for twin dellortos & 1700 engine?
I have seen smaller facet pumps - any advice?
atspeed racing
posted on 21/9/11 at 01:33 PM |
Yes the small facet should be ok, but I would advise against using one. We have stopped selling the Facet pumps and swapped over to the Weber boxed
kit, as it is far cheaper, quiter in its operation and seems to be more reliable.
NOTE:This user is registered as a LocostBuilders trader and may offer commercial services to other users
posted on 21/9/11 at 03:31 PM |
would either of these be suitable for bike carbs?
posted on 21/9/11 at 04:55 PM |
Now if they are interuptor pumps, That's a nice price, Only works out about £10 dearer than buying a s/hand bike one and about 1/2 the price of
a new bike one, assuming of course that includes thieves tax,
Very rare indeed for me to praise someones prices, curious to know how much demon thieves want.
posted on 21/9/11 at 06:19 PM |
So after a look around I need a fuel regulator to get my psi down to 2 - 3 psi
Facet Sytec Fuel Pressure Regulator Adjustable 8mm | eBay
I have a big facet pump eeek just found out its psi ..
[Edited on 21/9/11 by johnemms]
posted on 22/9/11 at 07:55 AM |
buy a pump and sell your old one, i found regulators very hit and miss, the last thing you want to do is buy a reg £xx then find you can't get
it down/reliable enough, need a couple of sets of plugs £xx cos you keep flooding them (or worse you pump your engine full off fuel more £xx for
oil/filter change) and hey presto you've spent more money than the cost of a pump. in my opinion just buy the proper part for the job (measure
twice cut once springs to mind)