posted on 2/10/11 at 02:06 AM |
pinto head identification help please
hi i have 2.0 sohc pinto engine from a sierra 1988 i would like some help IDing it the block is a 205 as it has it cast into the side but i cant work
out the cylinder head i have been trying to google it and it sounds from the age its unleaded on an 88 and i should have some markings on the side L P
PP R RR but mine seems to have an l on it like a lower case L is a lower case L the same as a capital L
could it mean its an injection head or a normal unleaded head or a non descript mark meaning leaded tbh aslong as its unleaded im not fussed obviously
an injection one would be a bonus just fearing its a leaded one
thanks guys look forward to knowing
posted on 2/10/11 at 05:20 AM |
If the head is from an injected sierra the inlet ports will
be shaped like an egg,with the pointy bit at the top.
I will need to get the book out to check on the ID markings.
posted on 2/10/11 at 05:59 AM |
Usualy it's a badly stamped letter.
The chances are it's an unleaded head it's not a drama if it's not a shot of valve seat protector or lead substitute.
I would recomend looking for an Injection head as the intake port short side turn is much smoother than standard and worth 5bhp
I eat to survive
I drink to forget
I breath to pi55 my ex wife off (and now my ex partner)
posted on 2/10/11 at 10:40 AM |
thanks guys i dont actually know if the sierra was injected or not all i know is it was built from one doner car as its on a F plate
if i pull the inlet manifold off am i likely to get covered in coolant as i looks like it has a coolant hose on it and if by pure luck it has egg
shaped ports does that garantee its unleaded
snapper thats my question really i dont know if i should be using lead additive or not
posted on 2/10/11 at 11:55 AM |
if you pull the manifold off you will end up with coolant in the inlet ports and all over
the floor.Drain it into a bucket from the bottom hose,to keep everything clean.
If it has oval ports,then yes it is definately an unleaded head.Cances are,
If the engine has its original head and it has 205 on the block,it will be an unleaded
posted on 2/10/11 at 01:24 PM |
There's a couple of ways of dealing with it.
Run it and check for exhaust valve seat regression, you will find that the tappet gaps close up over time if it's a leaded head.
Use additive, this is about £13.50 to treat 450 litres so cheap and puts your mind at rest.
I believe there will be a cast in clock face age stamp top of the head near no.2 inlet valve spring.
I eat to survive
I drink to forget
I breath to pi55 my ex wife off (and now my ex partner)