posted on 23/4/20 at 12:09 PM |
Ford 2.9L cologne gearbox options
Looking for some help please, i'm building a 2WD Sierra sapphire with a turbocharged 2.9L 12v v6, around 400hp.
The obvious gearbox would be a MT75 out of a manual Granny V6, anyone go one?
If no, any suggestions?
Cheers, Dale
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posted on 23/4/20 at 04:21 PM |
Custom mt75 is probably easiest and cheapest option, v6 4x4 front casing, i4 rear casing and match up the appropriate parts, original granada mk3 ones
are hens teeth (base model v6 or ex police only) and i don't think the v6 scorpio had a manual option at all.
Other options wth a conversion plate include a getrag 265 from a bmw/jaguar, a zf from a bmw, an aisin w58 from a supra/lexus (might be marginal on
torque), a v160 from a supra, there's loads of options there but matching everything up will take some doing unless you can find someone
who's been there before.
A t5 is an option and there are bellhousings available for your setup. They are expensive and a bit agricultural, but you're not going to break
it, and all the parts to fit it already exist.