posted on 9/7/05 at 07:07 AM |
Small Fuel Pump
Hi Again
I've bitten the bullet and ordered my fuel injection system
I was looking on E bay and there are a lot of injection fuel pumps offered. Does any one know of a small external one as it's difficult to gauge
size from the photos.
Thanks Mick
posted on 9/7/05 at 07:34 AM |
i think the astra/cavalier one is the smallest
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
NS Dev
posted on 9/7/05 at 08:12 AM |
that's certainly the one that I normally use.........one little thing that I discovered recently is that some (and I don't know which
years) of the earlier Peugeot 405 petrol injection models used a Bosch pump nearly identical to the astra/cav type one, but the Pug one has the big
plus of an internal strainer built in to the pump inlet (you can't see it from the outside, but if you look down the pump inlet you can see it
in there).
The later Pugs had in tank pumps so are no good.
Just a thought (as I seized a pump on my grasser earllier this year which lost me a race) as it saves the need for a separate prefilter or a perfectly
clean tank!
posted on 9/7/05 at 08:21 AM |
but surely a pre-filter is a good idea as you can change that easily enough when it gets dirty.
NS Dev
posted on 9/7/05 at 08:32 AM |
it is I suppose, but they are not easy to come by, and to be honest, they never get dirty unless the tank has corroded internally or had dirt dropped
into it. The prefilter just stops those one or two tiny metal fragments (like a speck of MIG splatter in my case!) from seizing the pump.
Certainly no bad thing to have a prefilter, I'm just trying to minimise the number of components on the car as usual!
posted on 10/7/05 at 01:49 PM |
The external Calibra pump is 170mm long, tail to tail, 135mm showing once fuel pipes are mounted (ie the tails combined are 35mm), with 8 and 12mm
I'm pretty sure the Calibra and Cavalier pumps will be the same. Be aware that the plastic pumps are from spi engines and flow a lot less.
IIRC the external pump fitted to the Nova GSi/GTE/SRi was smaller.