posted on 3/9/11 at 04:16 PM |
Started today missing splatering then dies
hi all. got in my kit out stanard 2l pinto with 32/36 degav yeasturday after sitting in the garage for a week started as normal when it warmed up
tried giving it some welly but started missing/ splatering on any thing over 3/4 revs checked the leads and cap every thing seemed fine. on the way
home i have a large hill (blue bell hill) started to give it some again and the same happened but had to turn in to the slip road as it just died on
me. it started up straite away with out a problem but as soon as it was over 1/2 trottle it just platters and dies doesnt matter if im driving or just
revving it, some of the times i can keep it going if i repeatedly blip the throttle. took it out of garage today checked the carb jets well the 4
that i could find no dirt and they were clean the fuel bowl looked only about 1/3 full is this normal
Any idea's any one? or am i looking it the wrong place thanks in advance
posted on 3/9/11 at 04:27 PM |
Fuel starvation ?
Tank air breather blocked
Fuel filter blocked
Duff petrol pump
[Edited on 3/9/11 by Macbeast]
I'm addicted to brake fluid, but I can stop anytime.
rusty nuts
posted on 3/9/11 at 04:35 PM |
Is the fuel tank vented? try driving with the fuel cap off , if fault has gone then tank needs venting. Is fuel pump delivering fuel at correct
pressure and rate? Pump push rod worn , can't remember if the Pinto lump has one but once had similar problems with a CVH lump that was caused
by a worn push rod. Fuel lines clear? Fuel tank outlet clear? No air leaks into fuel lines?? especially rubber hoses? may not show up as fuel leaks
so check for perishing
posted on 3/9/11 at 04:53 PM |
As above + clean the carb jets and check for water in the float chamber.
posted on 3/9/11 at 09:17 PM |
thanks guys the fuel cap is on top about 40cm away from the passenger headrest i know the fuel cap is ok as when i overfill it, up to the neck and
take left hand corners fast it spills out a bit. no water in float chamber. ive already replaced part of the fuel line as it was cracking but ill do
the rest of it and replace fuel filter, failing that how do i check the pressure/rate of the pinto fuel pump. i fancied a drive tonight as its 21
degrees here at gone 10 at night sodds law i suppose.
rusty nuts
posted on 4/9/11 at 08:54 AM |
Disconnect your positive supply to the coil to stop any HT sparks, disconnect the fuel supply to the carb and place in a suitable can/jar whatever ,
crank the engine and you should get a reasonable amount of fuel delivered. In the absence of a fuel pressure gauge place a finger or thumb over the
outlet of the fuel pipe when cranking a feel for any pressure, if you have a gauge then perhaps about 4 or 5 psi