posted on 4/10/11 at 08:25 PM |
I got my new silencer delivered today and it just touches the side panel. I don't really want to modify the rest of the setup at the moment.
Currently i have no pegs or straps to attach the silencer to the car and was thinking of welding a nut to the back of the box and then bolting from
the inside of the car . That way it pushes it out ( it will move a little) andalso bolts it in place, can anyone see any problems with this setup???

posted on 4/10/11 at 08:36 PM |
You will need some sort of rubber mount to absorb the vibration other wise the silencer or side panel will split sooner or later.Maybe you could get
away with a rubber grommet with a couple of washers in the side panel or something similar.
posted on 5/10/11 at 09:19 AM |
[img] [/img]
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posted on 5/10/11 at 09:37 AM |
If you weld a nut directly to the body of the silencer and support the silencer from it, the metal around the nut will crack pretty quickly.
You'd also want to attach the other side of the support to a chassis rail rather than a GRP or alloy panel.
posted on 5/10/11 at 05:15 PM |
thankls for the replies guys. Cheers for the photo too John, didnt even think about using the tailpipe a design like that would probably work