posted on 30/9/04 at 03:55 PM |
XE head help
Got an XE motor in the process of being rebuilt-well being stripped anyway. On the back of the head is a length of stainless tube going horizontal
just underneath the dizzy housing-not seen this on any other engine-it seems to be tapped into the head with banjos-what is it for?? Also in between
no's 2 and 3 inlets the top small core plug has been welded over, someone has etched "motortech" into the head here and at the back
near the stainless tube. Is this some sort of modification due to a porous head??
Anyone heard of motortech??
posted on 30/9/04 at 04:10 PM |
It does sound something like a porous head fix.
Motortech are automotive repair specialists apparently, according to Google.
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posted on 30/9/04 at 05:46 PM |
Nice one thanks Ben.
posted on 1/10/04 at 08:37 AM |
yep, can confirm a porous head fix, part of the oilway/wate jacket has probably been plugged internally and is rerouted round the back of the head.
could well be a higher milage engine..
beware, I've got yellow skin
posted on 1/10/04 at 10:22 AM |
Again thanks Ned-its up for a rebuild anyway so i'll see how she is inside.
ps do you have any rebuild tips-on a budget-what to look for-parts suppliers etc??
posted on 1/10/04 at 10:31 AM |
we use vauxhall oe parts, bu there are pattern parts available cheaper, don't kow what the quality is like. Big end bearings, check big end
bolts, check for wear in bores maybe new piston rings...
David Walker is an engine builder on here and might be able to offer more expert advice.
beware, I've got yellow skin