posted on 16/7/13 at 08:41 PM |
Pinto engine idleing eratically
Hi guys, I drained the coolant on my pinto and replaced it but now it doesn't seem to idle properly, however it idles fine when I move the
coolant feed and return bit on the carb (see pic)
It wobbles a slight bit and when I rotate it clockwise as far as it will go it seems to idle fine but when I let go it just seems like its struggling
for air don't know if I did anything to it when I drained the coolant and replaced it but I'm sure I didn't. The question is how do
I tighten it up? Thought I would ask on here rather than spending hours in the garage trying to figure it out myself.
Edit - Sorry for the massive picture, new phone seems to be better quality :S
[Edited on 16/7/13 by MP3C]
posted on 16/7/13 at 08:51 PM |
That looks like the housing for the bimetallic coil to operate the automatic choke - maybe you've dislodged some dirt or the coil has snapped. I
took mine off and fitted a manual choke kit.
posted on 16/7/13 at 08:54 PM |
If i remember right thats the chock adjuster the screws you can see nip the body and stop it moving
posted on 16/7/13 at 08:57 PM |
The retaining screw at about 4 o clock in the circle in your pic looks to be loose? Try nipping up the retaining screws first maybe.
posted on 16/7/13 at 08:58 PM |
No the whole thing moves, the screws are tight what are shown on the picture. It's the entire housing that moves :S
Edit: Although Ian you are right, looking at it on the picture it does seem to be loose, however the whole housing moves both front and the back bit
what the screws are attached to, they move about and seems to be connected further back?
[Edited on 16/7/13 by MP3C]