Help! Whose is this sump?
Hi guys, here at sumps 'r' us I have cocked up! No surprise there then!
As some of you know I'm crap at organisation (and especially after the events of the last couple of years) and this time I seem to have gained a
sump and oil pick up pipe. I don't know who it belongs too, but it is definitely one I have been sent to shorten but by who? I am 90% sure it is
for a 'Locoster' and not from another forum or anything.
If it is yours, then drop me a line and let me know. I have no record of any payment for it on my bank statements and can't figure out where it
came from but there it sits in my workshop all lonely and missing it's engine, and more to the point, there must be an engine somewhere that
needs a sump
Cheers Si.¤t=3DEngine.mp4