posted on 15/8/14 at 07:27 PM |
Making Hybrid Sierra Drive shafts
Hi there all! Need some advice on making hybrid sierra drive shafts.
I've read absolutely loads of posts and bits on sites about this but need some answers to conflicting info...
Okay, I'll start with what I have: A 2003 MK Indy with a noisy open diff (non-LSD/ tripod/push-in shaft) with a drum brake set-up. I have bought
a replacement 7in XR4x4 LSD (bolt on shaft/lobro).
I understand that if you buy the inner or diff-end lobro CV joints, it is possible to take the tripod shafts, remove the inner ends and fit the lobro
CV joints.
My questions are these: Are all tripod shafts suitable for conversion? I.E the sizes/number of splines? Some people say only the Sierra dohc &
diesel shafts work. I know there is a large variation in thickness and length - http://www.super7thheaven.co.uk/Sierra_Rear_Drive_Shafts
Also, I understand that the tripod shafts have a spring in the CV joint to allow movement and keep them centered, the lobros don't. Some say to
use the spring (glued in) when building up the hydrid.
Any advice on the whole build would be much appreciated - I'm not totally stupid, but also not an engineer, so please be nice!!!
Thanks in advance, I know you lot will have the info!
posted on 15/8/14 at 09:43 PM |
Posted in wrong forum area! Sorry!
posted on 15/8/14 at 11:20 PM |
I've built and am using a set. You have to use the late Sierra diesel or DOHC 27mm tripode shafts as these are the only ones that have the
matching spines for the 100mm Lobro joints. Most tripode shafts seem to be 24mm and there are a few thinner ones from early small engined Sierras
around. Once the outer can is cut-off from the innner joint you can remove a circlip and remove the centre from the shaft. The Lobro joint can then be
put on instead and retained with the same circlip. I havent had any problems - the outer tripode joint has enough movement in it to accommodate the
change in shaft length due to suspension movement on my RH 2B which uses the entire Sierra rear suspension. Might not be the case if you were doing
this on a Sierra where the suspension movement is probably much greater. The main problem is finding 27mm drive shafts in good nick!