Always difficult, keep going, doesn't take much air. On my Imp, I had to bleed the thing with the engine running to get the bubbles out,
presumably the vibes helped.
OK... if it's the standard Mundaneo set-up the slave is in the gearbox bellhousing, so, of course, if the seals have gone you'll have to
bite the bullet and get to it. That's the worse case, but at least the seals are cheap.
If you can dismount the m/cyl and raise it to bleed the system, that might help with your trapped air. I have an issue with my modded Series II
Landrover, in that I've got to remove the slave (it's external) and hold it inverted while I try and bleed it, then it goes back on
(repeat many, many times). The thing also has front brakes where the fluid enters at the top of the backplate and bleeds from the bottom(!). Removal,
rotate, bleed, replace, remove....
Just keep on going, it's air or a leak.