posted on 9/4/15 at 10:13 PM |
Engine builders
Hey guys I'm wanting an xflow engine building, a good 1700cc fast road unit.
Who do you know specialises in these kind of engines and has a good reputation?
Only ones I know are Harris Performance and Team Ashton. Who else should I be talking to?
Thanks in advance.
posted on 9/4/15 at 10:32 PM |
East lincs motorsport
getting dirty under a bus
posted on 10/4/15 at 05:38 AM |
Penguin Motorsport on Turbosports forum
I eat to survive
I drink to forget
I breath to pi55 my ex wife off (and now my ex partner)
posted on 10/4/15 at 06:33 AM |
Try Paul at Exon race engines,. very well recommended
Fisher Fury was 2000 Zetec - now a 1600 (it Lives again and goes zoom)
Brian R
posted on 10/4/15 at 11:50 AM |
Procomp. Built us one for a race car a few seasons ago albeit a 1300cc. Superb engine.
posted on 10/4/15 at 12:07 PM |
We use Ron Jones 07866 278540
Ron has years or experience, he has built some very quick X flows and Pintos for circuit and oval racing as well as fast road.
Back in the 1990s he built big BHP cosworth engines, more recently Nissan GTR (over 1000BHP)
Ron builds all our engines and does all our custom engineering work such as bespoke inlet manifolds.
Call Ron and tell him Dale gave you his number.
Cheers Dale.
NOTE:This user is registered as a LocostBuilders trader and may offer commercial services to other users
posted on 10/4/15 at 02:53 PM |
+1 lovely man. He spent an hour looking over my engine install and chatting when I was at bailey performance. Certainly knows his stuff
quote: Originally posted by BaileyPerformance
We use Ron Jones 07866 278540
Ron has years or experience, he has built some very quick X flows and Pintos for circuit and oval racing as well as fast road.
Back in the 1990s he built big BHP cosworth engines, more recently Nissan GTR (over 1000BHP)
Ron builds all our engines and does all our custom engineering work such as bespoke inlet manifolds.
Call Ron and tell him Dale gave you his number.
Cheers Dale.
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posted on 11/4/15 at 01:18 PM |
Thanks everyone for the replies.
I've spoken to a few people now, the big question is.....is it worth an extra £1000 to have the engine forged?
posted on 11/4/15 at 05:43 PM |
Depends what your going to use it for and how long you plan on keeping it ?
posted on 11/4/15 at 07:45 PM |
The car will always use the xflow so it's got to last. It's only going to be used for road use.
The tuning company has given me the standard internals 1700 build at 3k.
The forged version is 4k. With the forged version I'm basically told it can have future upgrades for extra power as the bottom end is bullet
rusty nuts
posted on 12/4/15 at 09:10 AM |
Do it yourself? The Xflow has to be about the easiest engine going for DIY rebuilds just get a decent engine reconditioning company to check and
measure all of you components
posted on 13/4/15 at 10:21 AM |
I'd be tempted to build the bottom end and get the headwork done. That is another option.