posted on 26/5/15 at 07:09 PM |
Clutch alignment tool
What do you guys use to centre/align the clutch on reassembly either on the bench or in situ? Looking for a tool or technique for use with standard
single plate clutches.
There seems to be so many variants of the same idea around.
posted on 26/5/15 at 07:11 PM |
Use an old gearbox input shaft
I love Pinto's, even if i did get mine from P&O!
posted on 26/5/15 at 07:28 PM |
I'm a cheapskate, so I've always just used the gearbox itself. Align clutch as best as you can by eye, nip the pressure plate bolts up so
the clutch plate can just be moved with a little force, fit 'box to engine wiggling to align plate as necessary, separate, then do up pressure
plate bolts fully. A bit harder if the box is still in the car, but it's always worked for me.
posted on 26/5/15 at 07:51 PM |
Last one I did I made an alignment tool out of a bit of wood (old brush handle). Took just 15 min to shape it with a decent file and some rough
sandpaper, worked perfect.
posted on 26/5/15 at 07:53 PM |
Got one in the garage £10 delived UK, no good to me now BEC
Think about it, think about it again and then do it.
posted on 26/5/15 at 07:54 PM |
I used this one link on
the Jag clutch, worked perfectly.
austin man
posted on 26/5/15 at 08:09 PM |
old school me bit of dowel and tape or even an extension bar with insulation tape wrapped around it to the size of the crank open end and the clutch
place centre never let me down
Life is like a bowl of fruit, funny how all the weird looking ones are left alone
posted on 26/5/15 at 08:54 PM |
I've got a Draper one and it cost about £7
You can put the clutch together as an assembly on the bench and then fit it to the flywheel if you want.
posted on 26/5/15 at 10:06 PM |
I've used allsorts of methods over the years, but currently use the draper one. Works well, prices vary but cheap enough.
posted on 27/5/15 at 11:05 AM |
quote: Originally posted by benchmark51
I've used allsorts of methods over the years, but currently use the draper one. Works well, prices vary but cheap enough.
Second that - also available under other brand names.
Allows you to visually check the alignment of the pressure plate and friction disc before screwing it all up really tight, then offering it up to the
If none of the inserts matches your exact requirement some masking tape wrapped around the split collar ensures a snug fit - just make sure it comes
out when you release it after fitting!
Cheers, Pewe10.
posted on 27/5/15 at 06:44 PM |
Thanks all. Just a question using the Draper tool - having got the spring plate and friction plate all centred using this tool are you then able to
locate it all on the flywheel with the spigot bearing in place?
David Jenkins
posted on 27/5/15 at 07:00 PM |
I couldn't get in with the Draper thing - in the end I turned one up on my lathe from a length of steel bar. It's still in my garage, in
an oily bag!
David Jenkins
posted on 27/5/15 at 07:00 PM |
I couldn't get in with the Draper thing - in the end I turned one up on my lathe from a length of steel bar. It's still in my garage, in
an oily bag!
posted on 27/5/15 at 09:09 PM |
quote: Originally posted by chris68
Thanks all. Just a question using the Draper tool - having got the spring plate and friction plate all centred using this tool are you then able to
locate it all on the flywheel with the spigot bearing in place?
Yes, the adaptor you choose fits into the centre of the clutch plate (There's a few adaptors in the kit)
You centre the clutch plate up with the pressure plate and fit the assembled clutch alignment tool, Tighten it up and it 'clamps' the
pressure plate and clutch plate together.
You can then offer the assembled clutch kit up to the flywheel and bolt it in place.
Bolt it in place, release the pressure on the clutch alignment tool and Bob's your uncle....