posted on 15/7/15 at 07:04 PM |
Crossflow heater
Does anyone know if the heater on a mk2 escort has a water restricting valve on it for the hot and cold.
I'm trying to find out if the water circulating via the inlet manifold performs any cooling function for the engine or is just a run off for the
heater matrix. I'd like to fit a new heater with a hot cold blower which works by turning the hot water off but don't want to risk engine
over heating.
rusty nuts
posted on 15/7/15 at 07:25 PM |
Ford controlled the heater by using flaps inside the heater box , the heater hose outlet is at the highest point of the cooling system while the
return goes back to the screw in union on the water pump thus allowing the cooling system to bleed and allowing a thermostat bipass while warming up.
You will probably have problems if you don't use at least a hose from the outlet to the inlet . I used a heater from CBS that has basic external
flaps and a single speed motor , can't say that even on the hottest days I have ever felt warm air from it until the fan is turned on . Not sure
if the way my heater is mounted would pass an IVA test as my car was SVAd.
posted on 15/7/15 at 07:30 PM |
Ah ok, that's all I was really worried about. So no restricting valve then. Thanks.
Paul Turner
posted on 16/7/15 at 07:33 AM |
quote: Originally posted by rusty nuts
You will probably have problems if you don't use at least a hose from the outlet to the inlet .
I ran x-flows from 1989 to 2002 in race cars with no heater and no hose form the manifold to the water pump. In that time I had no issues at all.
One fellow competitor was convinced his engine problems were caused by the lack of this pipe (in truth he was a rubbish engine builder) and he fitted
one against the advice of all his class competitors. He actually made things worse since the pipe he used had no restriction and resulted in a large
volume of uncooled water simply missing the radiator.
If you feel you must fit a pipe make it a small diameter one but why bother, its just another pipe to leak.