posted on 5/1/19 at 05:09 PM |
Difference a fuel filter makes
Not been using the car much lately because every time I tried it was missing and generally running rough. I assumed it was the carbs getting gummed up
from lack of use, then plugs when carb cleaning made no difference.
Turned out to be the fuel filter by the tank that was pretty much completely blocked. I had a spare so just replaced it and the performance
difference is amazing! I'd forgotten how quick the car used to be, and now it's again - the filter must have been restricting flow for a
long time.
posted on 5/1/19 at 06:00 PM |
Or rather doing its job and collecting all the crap!
Yes, blocked filter=misery
posted on 5/1/19 at 06:02 PM |
Good point. Surprisingly large amount of crap given I don't do many miles.
posted on 5/1/19 at 06:32 PM |
Steel or ali tank? And what sort of filter?
Small disposable filters don't last long, but interested in what the crap is.
posted on 5/1/19 at 07:25 PM |
The tank is Ali and was completely clean when it went in 14 years ago. The filter was a little cheap plastic one. Not sure what the crap was. Looked
petrol coloured. I've ordered a proper OEM type metal canister filter as a more permanent replacement.
posted on 6/1/19 at 12:36 AM |
Thats pretty whacky - I've cracked open two tin-top tanks and filters now, at 150K miles/24 years each, one diesel, one petrol. Both
immaculately clean inside the tanks and one filter that was 16 years old was mint inside.
posted on 6/1/19 at 10:34 AM |
It surprised me as well. It was so blocked I could barely even blow through it.
posted on 6/1/19 at 11:52 AM |
Used any non-petrol sealer / goo ???
Some can go to jelly.
posted on 6/1/19 at 11:55 AM |
I used some instant gasket when I replaced my fuel sender. Should be fuel resistant though, and is at the top of the tank, but could be that.
posted on 6/1/19 at 06:31 PM |
Not found an instant sealer that is petrol resistant...... so you could be right.
posted on 6/1/19 at 06:39 PM |
Earlier this year I had to strip my in tank strainer/pump out because the it was full of crud. Car had done about 1500miles in 3 years.
Tank was cleaned thoroughly prior to rebuild. My only explanation was either it had come from the fuel supplier or the steel parts of the pump
assembly had rusted and dropped particles into the fuel.
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