posted on 27/8/05 at 04:22 PM |
Oh Dear
I've gone and lost a valve collet of my zetec, Anyone know if you can buy these as pairs or can you only buy a full set
Burtons do them cheap enough Panic over
[Edited on 27/8/2005 by dave1888]
posted on 27/8/05 at 04:37 PM |
Apart from Ford dealers Piston & Components in Glasgow
posted on 27/8/05 at 05:41 PM |
Early or late...
Early single groove...Ford dealers dont stock them .I Know They only sell the latter twin grove item...
I may have one in my tin as I got a pair from the scrappie when I lost one....will look latter.....
posted on 27/8/05 at 06:02 PM |
Its the latter version i got dont worry about it i need to order stuff from Burton anyway they charge 65p a pair