posted on 23/9/03 at 03:47 PM |
Rover 216
I'm looking round for my donor ready to strip the engine ahead for the build, i initally thought pinto with moded irs chasis but have heard they
are quite a bit of work being tall. I'm currently thinks down the rover 216 route, is this a k-series and would it mak a good engine?
posted on 23/9/03 at 04:23 PM |
is that a honda engine? they were ok i believe. If i were to use a rover, which i will one day, i'd use the 2.0 turbo. donor would probably cost
the same, if an old 800 was used.
a engine would be defined as good if it was reliable and powerful, lots of bits available, suitable drivetrain available (ie gearbox and bellhousing
for rear drive), and of an appropriate size. im not sure what height fits in a book chassis but someone will be able to tell you.
bear in mind that a lot of people have used sierras and escorts so it is easier to get help with these engines and donors in general, with a honda it
may end up that no one can help you. not sure though!
good luck, Joel.
posted on 23/9/03 at 04:27 PM |
I may be wrong but I think earlier 1.6 200s and 400s were honda powered. Worth checking. Even so you may be able to use it with a suitable adapter
plate/bell housing to mate it to a type 9 or whatever. There are a couple of threads about using K-Series motors if you do a search you should find
them. Good engine if looked after properly. Poweful, light and tunable.
posted on 23/9/03 at 04:31 PM |
i think its just the 216 thats honda.
there has been talk that its not useable, cos the engines in some hondas turn anti clockwise - so you get 5 reverse and 1 forward gears.
the usual suggestion of flipping the diff dont work....
posted on 23/9/03 at 04:54 PM |
honda engines turn the wrong way 1.4 and 1.6,k series are a blinding twin cam engine but dont like being treated badly,heads are normally the prob
with them
[Edited on 2/10/03 by theconrodkid]
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
posted on 23/9/03 at 05:20 PM |
If the engine sits on the left hand side of the car (looking from the back) it is a Honda.
If on the right then it is a K-series.
K-series are cracking engines as long as you look after them well. Will take a lot of abuse!
Make sure you get a 16 valve unit.

posted on 23/9/03 at 11:21 PM |
Thanks for the replys, will use the advice.
posted on 25/9/03 at 08:48 AM |
The Rover 216 introduced in 1990 - ran through to about 95/96 I think had the Honda engine. The next generation 216 - which is now the Rover 45/MG ZS
has the K series engine.
An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less
posted on 2/10/03 at 05:35 PM |
I'm going to be using a honda engine for my kit. There pretty sweet, caterham use k-series, infact to my knowledge to only thing to beat a
hyabusa power caterham was a 1.8v-tec k-series honda powered one, with plenty of tuning.
If your getting it from a rover then avoid the early 214's there rope. The 216 is the kiddy, rover used them to race for year, the same engines.
I've had a rover 216 gti in the past, and before that i had a honda crx, they are both powered by the exact same engine and gear box. Its a
lightweigh ali engine so its perfect for kit carring.
I swaped the head over from honda to rover when my head gsket went (it was in better condiction and just lying round in my garage, these engine are
prone to busting head gaskets, the old side cylinders go, but apart from that you can thrash the crap out of um)
These engine tune to infinty theres tons of bits for um too. If your using it on a locost you need to mate the honda engine with the ford runing gear,
you can use a transit gear box (longer selector rod) to allow for the modified brace that sits between the engine and gearbox (available for Fisher
fury kit cars, and midgets).
The 220 turbos and straight 220 were rover casts and as a result shock. The one you want is the the new 85 MG 1.8t, its a 1.8vvc k-series with a
garrat turbo .
in my mind the engine with the most potential on the planet 
posted on 2/10/03 at 06:05 PM |
The k-series is a rover design and isn't related to the 1.6 honda engine that appeared in the 216 and 416 in the early 90s.
Afaik the 1.8T was brought about to replace the 2l V6 because it had lower emmisions and hence lower tax and it's a bit too new to be viable in
a Locost really.
It surprises me when you said you replaced a honda head with a rover one since they are fundamentally different engines (k-series being
Not being a smart-ass just trying to set you straight.
posted on 2/10/03 at 06:45 PM |
trust me dude, there one and the same engine. rovers ARE hondas. The rover 200 is a honda concerto, it has different bumpers, lights and interior, but
they are the same car. Most of my mates work at rover (now bmw mini), infact my bother worked for rover sport. Also the whole rover factory at rover
was kitted out by honda, so not only is the engine honda, its made using hondas robots and methods, and honda parts :s
Sorry trying to be a smart ass. (look familar)
posted on 2/10/03 at 06:47 PM |
ow sorry, we're talking about k-series, I've only ever heard them refered to as k-series, maybe its an oxford thing, didn't mean to
jump down your throat.
posted on 2/10/03 at 06:55 PM |
i quote
"the honda and acura k motor solution"
blatently trying to be a smart arse 
posted on 2/10/03 at 07:07 PM |
quote: Originally posted by mombajomba
ow sorry, we're talking about k-series, I've only ever heard them refered to as k-series, maybe its an oxford thing, didn't mean to
jump down your throat.
you can edit if ur wrong, then no one ever knows that you were wrong! very useful...
posted on 2/10/03 at 07:09 PM |
oww you cheeky chappy 
posted on 2/10/03 at 08:11 PM |
u registered today? where in the country are you?
posted on 2/10/03 at 10:21 PM |
I know the 200 was basically the same car as the concerto but the Rover k-series engine is NOT a honda unit. It was developed by Rover as a
replacement for the A-series if I remember correctly and is not used in any honda cars. The 1.6 version of the 200 used a Honda unit until rover
developed the K into a 1.6l and 1.8l capacity and stopped using Honda units when they split, the KV6 replacing the Honda 2.7 unit in the 800 also.
Honda does seem to have newer engines with a K prefix but they are completely different and only a namesake.
Mark Allanson
posted on 2/10/03 at 10:28 PM |
The Honda concerto was just a rebadged Rover, made in britain - has as much to do with japan as yorkshire pudding. The only Rover 200 with Honda
engines were the MK1 1300's and the MK2 Gti's
If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation
posted on 2/10/03 at 10:59 PM |
posted on 2/10/03 at 11:20 PM |
The k-series was the 1.4 DOHC rover engine, and the D-series was the 1.6 DOHC as seen in the Honda CRX and the Rover 216 GTI, so sorry about that
I'll eat humble pie, but I was half right, they are the same engine, but there D series, not K.
Also the 220 engine was an M series, so theres an interesting fact.
Well thanks for the education boys.
P.S. I just found a Jap import concerto 
Mark Allanson
posted on 3/10/03 at 07:02 AM |
Make sure it spins the right way!
If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation
posted on 3/10/03 at 09:02 AM |
I just got confused because your "building:" thing says k-series but you seem to be after using the 1.6 honda engine that was used along
side the k. So you are going to use the 1.6? Do make sure it spins the right way like mark said because I suspect it doesn't (the gearbox was on
the oposite side to the K-series afaik)
posted on 3/10/03 at 12:08 PM |
dang, you boys are good, yeah i came to the shocking conclusion last night, that i do actually want to use a k series instead of a d series, as you
say the d series spins the wrong way. Its a good job we had this rant really as i was getting ready to source a d-series.
Since i was under the impression that the k-series and d-series were one and the same thing i assumed that the lotus elise, and all teh caterhams were
honda powered. however this is not the case.
Thus i have left my build as "k-series powered locost"
so which rovers did the 1.8vvc k-series go in? as this has gotta be the engine for the job.......
posted on 3/10/03 at 01:42 PM |
Interestingly the VVC motor is probably not the best as it is complex and hard to work on and tune. You'd be better off getting a standard 1.8
16v and tuning it. The really high output ones (190-230bhp - Elise 190, Cateringvan R500) are with a "standard" head all be it a Very High
Performance Derivative or VHPD for short - these however are very expensive (like £10k!)
posted on 3/10/03 at 01:54 PM |
See Dave Andrews website for an idea of power to cash ratio from K series engines.He's at and does a lot with