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A trip to the ring at the weekend
bi22le - 21/6/10 at 09:11 PM

Evening all,
Im pi$$ing myself with excitment because as the title says im going to the ring for the first time this weekend.

Catching the Eurostar out at about 8am and then its about 5 hours driving. Me and my brother are going. Also about 7 cars and 15 bikes.

I have packed some tools, got some tyreweld and european breakdown. I have also got insurance, lets hope I wont be using it!

Happy days!!

McLannahan - 21/6/10 at 09:14 PM

Good luck Bizzlely!

It's a quality trip - drive carefully and don't over do it!

flak monkey - 21/6/10 at 09:17 PM

Yep, go careful - the cost of repairing sections of the armco will make you wince even more than hitting it in the first place!

David Jenkins - 21/6/10 at 09:26 PM

And check your insurance - most specifically exclude any sort of racing, time trial or similar. The will almost certainly frown on you zooming round the ring.

jambojeef - 21/6/10 at 09:31 PM

Guy in our group was ringside for the second time and binned his renaultsport into the armco......for the second time!!

2 trips out to the ring in the car and both times he left his car in the nearby scrappy...

Not quite at the same spot on the circuit but not far off...

Volvorsport - 21/6/10 at 10:11 PM

so your driving your car into a packed train full of passengers/commuters

Tommy P - 22/6/10 at 08:28 AM

I'm so jealous.
Don't let the red mist come down on you - like I did in the Caterham, and went off at the second carousel (Twice!). Luckily I got away with it on both occasions.

Have a great time!

skinned knuckles - 22/6/10 at 08:29 AM

i am green with envy! i went there last year in my stupidly big merc GL with the intention of accompanying a friend but got carried away and took the bus round. absolutely loved it and managed an 11min circuit on my 4th lap which scared the poop out of me. i've been itching to go again ever since. you lucky sod....

Ben_Copeland - 22/6/10 at 10:51 AM

Make sure you have insurance and recovery(there's only one company allowed on the ring).

Take it easy till you know what corner is what, because if you get it wrong they'll charge you big bucks for holding up the other cars. Plus charge you for replacing Armco and washing oil off the road! Oil on the road is about £3k charge as someone found out recently!!!

Plus other people can sue you if you cause them to crash

bi22le - 22/6/10 at 10:03 PM

i have no intension of crashing. I will be driving like a gay!

dlatch - 22/6/10 at 11:53 PM

drive at a pace that feels comfortable and watch out for the bikers and you will be fine

we will require pictures though !!
so jealous wish it was me going