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PASA slow steady drive 26th July PICS
stevegough - 27/7/11 at 08:11 AM

Well, a great evening's drive
Preston - Garstang - through Trough (and forest) of Bowland - Settle - Ingleton

Hospital appointment later to remove the grin from my face and the underpants from my....

welderman - 27/7/11 at 08:27 AM

Was a good ride out, not too fast just steady.

Speed gathered pace on the way home though.

Chris had a spin on some neawly graveled part of a road, was lucky i stopped mine from spinning or i think i would have collected him lol.

Sorry Tom for the chipped helmet . It was a second gear set off too.

Sorry for the death of some poor little gods creature's, rabbits, ( my cars full of dead flies).

Good to see new and old faces too.

See you all in 2 weeks im off to sunny sunny Spain in 2 days

stevegough - 27/7/11 at 09:17 AM

Little altercation on the way home - took the M6 from jn 34 (lancaster north) to jn 33 (south) and just before I turned off, there was a large chunk of debris waiting for me in lane 2 (think it was a wagon wheelarch?) hit it at about 70 - this was the damage.

While I am on the subject, anyone know anywhere I can get a 'slightly' smaller numberplate?

I like that "not too fast - just steady"!!

FFTS - 27/7/11 at 11:32 AM

Have you tried "CHECK POINT MOTOR STORES" They do some exactly the same hehehe. :0

Tommy P - 27/7/11 at 12:27 PM

Flebay is good for non-legal micro No. plates.

Or get some like mine and Joe's

[Edited on 27/7/11 by Tommy P]

stevegough - 29/7/11 at 04:52 PM

Originally posted by FFTS
Have you tried "CHECK POINT MOTOR STORES" They do some exactly the same hehehe. :0

Yeah, thanks for that amazingly useless piece of info, Chris.

Originally posted by Tommy P
Or get some like mine and Joe's

I have had a job sourcing the invisible ones, so I went to


and got a little bit smaller one...
