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Newark show live weather thread !!!
big_l - 14/6/12 at 08:23 AM

Weather update for Newark !!!


Glorious sunshine

I'll keep updating this thread as it unfolds but all the forecasts are looking a lot better than early on in the week

RoadkillUK - 14/6/12 at 10:32 AM

I hope it clears up, we've spent the last couple of weeks piecing together the Locost and just got it Insured MOT'd and taxed yesterday.

Fingers crossed

jossey - 14/6/12 at 10:33 AM

Where are you seeing sunshine? On my Bbc weather and weather channel and iPhone weather app it says rain 60% Saturday and 90% sunday?

big_l - 14/6/12 at 10:37 AM

I live 3 miles from
The show ground mate like I said in post #1 it's live weather as it happens and at the moment it's blisteringly hot !!!

Is said thunderstorms for Satarday but it keeps getting better on the forecast (iPhone app )
So fingers crossed it will keep improving !!!
I'll keep updating the thread so people can actually see what it's doing in Newark upto date

wilkingj - 14/6/12 at 12:09 PM

Good report... But there is a fairly big low pressure system coming on from the west, which is threatening things over the weekend.

I always check on the day before leaving to go to shows and look on:

Its a Rain Radar system, and will give you an animation of the actual rain over the last hour, so you can see which ways things are moving.
Its an excellent site.

You can already see that Low coming in from the West, its on its way.

Just hope it doesnt P*SS on the parade at Newark

jossey - 15/6/12 at 07:00 AM

Oh ok :-) keep up the good work. I hope it's nice

big_l - 15/6/12 at 07:01 AM

8am Friday rained overnight side roads and grass are wet main roads are
Now dry !!!

Stott - 15/6/12 at 07:35 AM

I'm leaving at 13:00 today, do I take the tiptop only or tiptop for wife n kids and follow in my car, I'm torn, aaarrrggghhhh

The worst bit will be bringing it home in the rain for 4 hrs on Sunday, that's what's putting me off

big_l - 15/6/12 at 07:37 AM

8am Friday rained overnight side roads and grass are wet main roads are
Now dry !!!

big_l - 15/6/12 at 07:38 AM

I don't think it'll be to bad tbh come in the 7 you'll regret it of you don't

big_l - 15/6/12 at 12:29 PM

1.30 just had rain for about 5 mins stopped now and from somewhere then suns come out and the roads are steaming !! Should be dry again soon blue sky above !!!

David Jenkins - 15/6/12 at 01:18 PM

Originally posted by wilkingj
Good report... But there is a fairly big low pressure system coming on from the west, which is threatening things over the weekend.

But Geoff, you and Mel are used to driving in the rain on the Newark weekend!

Irony - 15/6/12 at 01:30 PM

I work 15 minutes drive from Newark showground and I can confirm at this present time the sun is shining and it's generally lovely. Parts of the local area received large quantities of rain overnight however.

rusty nuts - 15/6/12 at 03:08 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
Originally posted by wilkingj
Good report... But there is a fairly big low pressure system coming on from the west, which is threatening things over the weekend.

But Geoff, you and Mel are used to driving in the rain on the Newark weekend!

I'm still sitting at home listening to the wind wondering "weather" to go or not. Had intended to go earlier but other things got in the way. Mel

big_l - 15/6/12 at 03:21 PM

Medium intensity rain !! Looks bright all around Newark just the town getting wet at the mo !

big_l - 15/6/12 at 03:55 PM

Rain has stopped !!
Still overcast

franky - 15/6/12 at 05:01 PM

Lets hope the weather keeps "mrs newark" in her caravan

big_l - 15/6/12 at 07:22 PM

20.21 pm

Fairly warm for this time of night and no wind and its not raining !

coozer - 15/6/12 at 07:35 PM

Keep it coming, I've just finished putting the car back together, dug out my waterproofs.. see ya in the morning!

shaft - 15/6/12 at 07:45 PM

Currently sat outside the tent with a beer or 3...
Patchy blue sky and fairly mild.

Tezza1 - 15/6/12 at 09:00 PM

All packed ready to go. Steve see ya 8 o'clock my house rain or not

big_l - 15/6/12 at 09:05 PM

Awsome nice to see some committed kit car owners ready for anything

coozer - 15/6/12 at 09:06 PM

Yee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Stott - 15/6/12 at 09:48 PM

I wimped out cos it was chucking it down at home, and I would have got absolutely wrecked on the way up as there was a pretty good storm,,however, I'm in ruskington now and it's dry and I wish I'd brought the car

locoR1 - 15/6/12 at 10:19 PM

Sunshine when I left Peterborough about 7pm it chucked it down just as I approached Newark least I now know my bike gear isn't fully waterproof! Probably wasn't helped by having no back mudgaurd , could feel the water running down the back of my neck lol .

First job for the morning clean my poor bike is filthy.

big_l - 16/6/12 at 06:28 AM

7.30 bright and dry

Tezza1 - 16/6/12 at 06:38 AM

We're setting off now light rain up sunny Durham

coozer - 16/6/12 at 06:47 AM

On me way

Ta raaaaaaa

dunk3 - 16/6/12 at 06:50 AM

I will be setting off about 10am , see you all there.

franky - 16/6/12 at 07:58 AM

weather looks nice, If I go i'll have a 2 year old in tow

DRC INDY 7 - 16/6/12 at 08:26 PM

Is mk owners club there

big_l - 16/6/12 at 08:49 PM

No !! No Mk stand or nothing!!!!

franky - 16/6/12 at 08:53 PM

Not much of anything there to be honest, a few crap trade stands, lots of empty space and £10 to get in. I reckon its the worse £10 i've spent since the last time I went!

The Razor was nice though and refreshing, the rest just the run of the mill stuff.

DRC INDY 7 - 16/6/12 at 09:09 PM

I take it you did not go in the kit car then free otherwise

franky - 16/6/12 at 09:18 PM

Originally posted by DRC INDY 7
I take it you did not go in the kit car then free otherwise

No I didn't..... the rest of the above would still apply though.

Wheels244 - 16/6/12 at 09:41 PM

I'm with Franky - I've been to bigger auto jumbles !

Weather no doubt dented the attendance outside but a 20 minute walk around in the main hall and you're done.

Stoneleigh was fantastic - I'll go and camp there next year and give Newark a miss.

Shame, but I can't see it lasting much longer with attendance like that from the manufacturers and trade stands.

laptoprob - 16/6/12 at 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Wheels244
I'm with Franky - I've been to bigger auto jumbles !

Weather no doubt dented the attendance outside but a 20 minute walk around in the main hall and you're done.

Stoneleigh was fantastic - I'll go and camp there next year and give Newark a miss.

Shame, but I can't see it lasting much longer with attendance like that from the manufacturers and trade stands.

Pity really as it has been great over the past few years.

I`m going tomorrow which hopefully will have a better turn out.

franky - 16/6/12 at 10:06 PM

more owners cars maybe....... more stalls of decent quality and exhibitors, nope.

J16 - 17/6/12 at 08:54 AM

Latest update...

At present dry with some sunny spells. Weather forecast is cloudy but no rain.

Might be a better turn out today after yesterdays showers.