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99 hayabusa error codes
peter carroll - 5/12/13 at 07:54 AM

my 99 model has just put up error codes 24 and 92 i have found out what 92 is but can someone help me with c24 ? any help or hints would be most help full thanks ps thanks admin for letting me join this site im in aust

JeffJeffers - 5/12/13 at 08:53 AM

The Hayabusa manual says C24 is Ignition signal#1 (IG coil #1)

JeffJeffers - 5/12/13 at 08:58 AM

'Crankshaft position sensor (pick-up coil) signal is produced but signal from ignition coil is interrupted continuous by two times or more. In this case the code c24, c25, c26 or c27 is indicated

Ignition coil, wiring/coupler connection, power supply from the battery'

That's taken from the repair manual.

peter carroll - 5/12/13 at 09:58 AM

thanks geff ill try swaping them around and see if i can get 25 26 27 to come up atleast then i shall know what coil it is

GreigM - 5/12/13 at 03:25 PM

#1 should be the one at the generator side of the engine.