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Weird Headlight Problem...
pdw709 - 25/7/06 at 09:16 PM

Well its MOT time and i've finally got to sort out my headlights - After only using the car in daylight hours this has been put off for rather too long!

Basically I cannot get my main headlights/full beam to work, only its rather strange.

Turning them on with no keys in the ignition I can get a weak light just by flicking the fog lights on! Yet when I turn on the ignition they go out.

Am I correct in assuming that this is likely to be a short circuit somewhere? Or could it be the headlight relay? If so how would I know or be able to test the relay?

Any thoughts?


ReMan - 25/7/06 at 09:19 PM

Any more clues?
Does dip beam work ? Did main ever work? Does the fog light work when switched on normally?

russbost - 25/7/06 at 09:46 PM

Sounds like a poor earth on the fog/headlights

ReMan - 25/7/06 at 10:01 PM

Originally posted by russbost
Sounds like a poor earth on the fog/headlights

I tend to aggree
Was looking for a bitmore evidence to support it........

Hellfire - 26/7/06 at 07:00 AM

Ditto... though could be a relay wired incorrectly.

pdw709 - 26/7/06 at 07:08 AM

I'm fairly sure that the relay is wired correctly as the headlights used to work fine.

I'll check the earth connection tonight.

Many thanks


David Jenkins - 26/7/06 at 07:29 AM

You might get more suggestions for fixing the problem if you asked in "electrical".


BTW: My vote is for either a bad earth, or a loose/corroded connection.

John Bonnett - 26/7/06 at 11:43 AM

I may not be great on springs but I am not too bad on earths and I am 99% sure that you have an earth problem here. Your headlights are earthing back through other components. Headlights draw a fair current so the earth must be able to carry that load. So I think the answer is to renew your headlight earths and fit to a terminal screwed into the chassis.

I hope that solves it.



pdw709 - 26/7/06 at 08:23 PM

S O R T E D !!!

Great, thanks for all the was indeed a loose earth terminal. Funny thing is that I had checked this particular connection before, visually is looked fine. I just happened to touch it with a screwdriver and it sparked and voila.

I've replaced the terminal screw and all is now fine. I can't believe the amount of trouble that this little loose wire has coursed!!!!!!!
