Worst, book, ever.
For the last two months, before I go to bed, I have been trying to read a little bit of my printed copy of the IVA manual. Its been a slog. Its
covered in post-it notes addressing all the little things I need to consider for making my car roadworthy. I have typed up this list and I am going to
copy it here for anyone who doesn't fancy reading the manual or needs a quick reference.
Any comments are welcomed, I have never IVA'd a car before. To be honest I sway between utter relaxation about the whole thing and complete
unending dread. No wonder no one wants to build kitcars anymore, this process is insane!
Side note: my car doesn't have a heater or windscreen, so there are bits I skipped over. I also have a pre-95 engine so need some form of proof
of age.
• Vehicle Class A – Ameteur Build Basic IVA
• Must have VIN number pre-IVA
• Exhaust must have no leaks (no pin holes etc)
- Must achieve 99dBA @ 500mm distance from exit
- 2/3 of max quoted power = 6500 * 2/3 = 4360 rpm (Suzuki G13B)
• Proof of engine age – Requires documentation
- Old VIN plate from donor car [HAVE]
- Letter from DVLA with copy of V5 [HAVE]
- Picture of engine number / access to engine number [HAVE]
- Emissions, CO <= 3.5%, HC <= 1200ppm, At normal idle, At running temperature
• Fuel tank must have ground strap
• Bulk head must have no holes
• Fuel drain must flow outside vehicle and as well as fuel tank vent
• Fuel cap must be tethered or locking
• Rear registration plate must be vertical
- Do I need an IVA test plate? [QUESTION]
- What height should this be at?
• Steering system must not foal anything lock to lock
• Steering must self centre at 10mph
• Steering limits must be part of design (i.e. under the grease boots)
• Needs to EC Type approved horn or equivalent
• Must have driver and passenger mirrors
- Mirrors must be adjustable
- Need to replace rear view with adjustable mirror; must be reachable by driver with the seat belt disengaged
- Mirror mounting positions are bloody confusing
• Handbrake must be usable with one hand on the wheel and must have at-least one click achievable
• Brake pedal must have anti slip tape
- Ensure brake pedal doesn’t hit fire wall at full travel
- Ensure brake pedal doesn’t creep downwards when held
- Balance bar needs locking wire
- Sticker required near master cylinder explaining type of fluid; DOT 5
• Handbrake cannot move when knocked left to right
• Handbrake must have spare clicks in both directions (adjustable)
• Brake reservoirs need level switches
- Handbrake switch can be used to check brake level light with ignition on; no handbrake light required specifically
• Front axle should lock before rear axle
- The brakes shouldn’t rub when rolling in either direction
• HT leads must have suppression markings (i.e. manufacturer leads)
• Lots on interior radii; blah blah
- 127mm exemption zone around steering wheel
• Car must have steering lock or immobilizer
• No car alarm required
• Steering wheel tested with 165mm diameter ball. 2.5mm radius minimum
- Pad current wheel or use a stock wheel (fiesta)
- Prove that chassis is crushable ahead of steering rack?
- Prove angle of steering rack is 10deg>
- Prove car has collapsible column
• Trim seat edges
- Buy seat trim from JK Composites as car requires a head rest of a given stiffness
- Ensure head rest is at correct location and size (700mm above seat block)
• The exhaust needs to be wrapped to pass radius rules
- The floor line needs a 2.5mm radii (rubber or aluminum trim?)
- Exterior mirrors are free of radii rules
- The exhaust must not hang more than 10mm below the floor and must have a 2.5mm radii on the exit
- Inside of wishbones is exempt from exterior projection rules
- Middle of chassis rail is line between interior and exterior projections
• Use speed lookup table to tune speedo. Must over read by given amount.
- Speedometer must be visible at all times and positioned on the dash so that is the case
- Intervals on speedo must be 20mph or less
• The car must have a manufacturer plate
- The VIN must be stamped on the right hand side (drivers) of the chassis in given size
• Seat bolts need 100x100x4mm spreader plate, with 8.8 or better bolts
• Seat belt mounts must pass visual inspection [ARE PICTURES GOOD ENOUGH?]
- Show proof of 7/16 UNF bolts
• Lights are positioned by the closest point of the reflective surface
- Separation is based on minimum distance of reflective surfaces
- Using a given lamp should not dim another lamp
- Ensure lights pass visibility angle rules [ARE FRONT INDICATORS A PAIN?]
- Does dashboard lighting count as rear projected white light?
- Pair of rear reflectors required- best to get light pods with them built in
• Tell tales should…
- Be on the button or separate (just visible)
- They need a word description or a picture
- Position lamps / side lamps must have a tell tail (dashboard lights count)
• Front headlamps, 400mm max from outside of car, 250mm min from ground (but 500mm from later rules in book)
• Rear headlamps, 400mm max from outside of car, 350mm min from ground
• Indicators must have a tell tale
• Hazard lights must have a tell tale
• Hazard lights must work with ignition off
• Indicators, 400mm max from outside, 350mm min from ground
• Must have rear number blade lights (come on with position/side lights?)
• Main beam (I call them high beams…) must have tell tale and it must be blue
• Headlights must be aligned specifically to the rules in the manual
• Repeat, headlamps must be 500mm!?! off the ground
• Rear fog…
- must be positioned to the offside (passenger side)
- must have a minimum separation from brake light of 100mm
- only emit red lighting
- come on during dipped / main beam, and not turn back on afterwards
- must have a visible tell tale lamp for driver
- must be more than 250mm from the ground
- must be vertical to the rear of the car (within what tolerance?)
• Reverse light
- Should turn on when in reverse
- Be 250mm from the ground
- Emit white light
- Thats it!
• Harnesses must…
- Either be BS3254 or FIA 8853-98 standard
- Upper anchor must be 450mm above the reference block
- Lower anchors must be more than 350mm apart
- Must be over 46mm in width
- Adjusters must be accessible to users (I don’t know about my side adjusters…)
• Wheel guards must be 30deg forward and 50deg rearward of vertical plane
• The rear of wheel guards must be below 150mm above centre wheel plane
• Vehicle must have calculated maximum design weight
- There are a whole bunch of rules about gross and design weights…
- Calculations must be provided
• Tyres must have E, ‘e’, DOT or JIS marks
• Tyre load and speed must be within that of the car
- Calculated maximum speed must be provided along with appropriate tyres being fitted
• General construction…
- Nothing should leak (duh!)
- All electrical cables/wires should be mounted at 300mm intervals or less (not fuel pipes?)
[Edited on 7/4/19 by G13BLocost]
[Edited on 7/4/19 by G13BLocost]
I have to take my hat off to you for your labours to compile this list. I can see how the amount of work
needed to IVA a car would put most folk off. Best of luck with your build.
That's quite a list! Well done for having the patience to do that.
I'm not reading through all that again, but I didn't notice anything about day time running lights (DRL)?
They are required now aren't they?
Originally posted by melly-g
That's quite a list! Well done for having the patience to do that.
I'm not reading through all that again, but I didn't notice anything about day time running lights (DRL)?
They are required now aren't they?
Fog Lamp - must be positioned to the offside (passenger side)
Can this be made a sticky??
Originally posted by Edwardo
Fog Lamp - must be positioned to the offside (passenger side)
Offside is drivers side for UK RH drive car.
[Edited on 8/4/19 by Edwardo]
quote:its usual to fit fog, and reverse lights, as a
Originally posted by G13BLocost
Oohh can I get a witness before I drill holes in my back panel please? I had a look at some cars in the street and it would suggest your correct. Red fog light, drivers side .
Originally posted by G13BLocost
Originally posted by Edwardo
Fog Lamp - must be positioned to the offside (passenger side)
Offside is drivers side for UK RH drive car.
[Edited on 8/4/19 by Edwardo]
Oohh can I get a witness before I drill holes in my back panel please? I had a look at some cars in the street and it would suggest your correct. Red fog light, drivers side .
Of course
Haven't read all of it,but couple of things I noticed:
Fuel cap needs to be a locking type that the key can't be removed from when the cap is off the car,not just a normal locking cap.
Car needs two items of security,so presuming you are using an ignition barrel?Key counts as one,then you either need a locking steering column or a
immobiliser etc.
Originally posted by CosKev3
Fuel cap needs to be a locking type that the key can't be removed from when the cap is off the car,not just a normal locking cap.
Originally posted by 40inches
Originally posted by CosKev3
Fuel cap needs to be a locking type that the key can't be removed from when the cap is off the car,not just a normal locking cap.
Mine isn't locking, but is tethered. Is that now not allowed?
Originally posted by CosKev3
Originally posted by 40inches
Originally posted by CosKev3
Fuel cap needs to be a locking type that the key can't be removed from when the cap is off the car,not just a normal locking cap.
Mine isn't locking, but is tethered. Is that now not allowed?
No tethered is fine,I was just referring to the 'or locking cap' statement![]()
Originally posted by CosKev3
Haven't read all of it,but couple of things I noticed:
Fuel cap needs to be a locking type that the key can't be removed from when the cap is off the car,not just a normal locking cap.
Car needs two items of security,so presuming you are using an ignition barrel?Key counts as one,then you either need a locking steering column or a immobiliser etc.
Ref the fog light control not switching back on after lights are turned off. I was looking at this and I believe this is only a requirement if the fog
light comes on with side lights. Looks like the wording in the IVA manual was updated to clarify this.
Nice to hear that you DON'T need to get a garage to check your VIN plate over if you are registering a Kit Car.