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where can i buy carbon sheet?
daniel mason - 12/1/13 at 09:32 PM

i need a carbon sheet of around 700mm x 700mm to make some bits. anyone know where i can get a sheet from? cheers

Slimy38 - 12/1/13 at 10:19 PM

This place is the only one I know;

But it looks to be about £200 or so for that sized piece, is that what you are expecting?

RK - 12/1/13 at 10:51 PM

just make one. it is easy enough.

Someone had to add a bit of comedy.

GOJO - 12/1/13 at 11:58 PM

Try :
My mk2 escorts gonna get far to much money spent on carbon with these guys!!

dimlaz - 13/1/13 at 05:55 AM

Try this.
They send worldwide.
I think is the cheapest company.

Carbonman - 13/1/13 at 11:31 AM

U2U sent