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Free V8
Schrodinger - 17/3/09 at 12:07 PM

Being offered on Inverness Freecycle

Rover 3.5l V8 engine out of landrover 110, running on SU carbs, only done about 45,000 miles. Not running perfectly, suspect the fuel supply / pump, but not sure.
About to be removed for diesel conversion.

dinosaurjuice - 17/3/09 at 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Schrodinger

About to be removed for diesel conversion.

hes got the right idea

wilkingj - 17/3/09 at 01:25 PM

Actually he would have been better off doing a LPG conversion.
Diesel is not that cheap anymore especially in a Landy. 10-15 years ago it was really worth doing when diesel was 40p per gallon cheaper than unleaded.

18mpg on half price LPG 50p per litre or 26-30 (max) mpg on Diesel £1.00 per litre

effectively LPG will give 36+ mpg comparitvely speaking.

Also for any Kit car types.... The 110 V8 is a 8:1 low compression job.
Maybe a Turbo or Blower would make it interesting!

Also in 110's they tend to be low mileage due to the fuel costs!.

Rover V8 with 80k miles or more, is usually a knackered camsaft (usual problem).

Still its worth £50 as a rebuild project. even better on Freecycle, except its a long way to get it from down south!

scootz - 17/3/09 at 04:15 PM

People do tend to forget that diesel is about 10p per litre more than petrol... the petrol 2.8 V6 in my Audi costs a little less to run than the 3.0TDi

filiperosa - 24/3/09 at 03:21 PM

too far away

MikeR - 24/3/09 at 03:37 PM

I'm doing ok with my diesel - i suppose it depends on the car and how you drive it.

I've slowed down since i sold the astra (which averaged 30 to 31mpg around town and 35ish on a run. The focus TDCI averages 40 to 45 and over 50 on a run. Even with 10% higher fuel cost its more efficient for me.