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System Restore not working!!
owelly - 28/7/08 at 02:14 PM

I have just sat down at the puter to be told that I have thousands of viruses (virii?). When this has happened in the past, I've done a system restore and everything is happy. This time however, the only restore point available is the same time as when the virus got here!!
I can't even go to last month as the calender work move.

Mr Whippy - 28/7/08 at 02:37 PM

ahh!! he'll infect us all!!!

Ben_Copeland - 28/7/08 at 02:40 PM

install a virus protection program, if u can't. wipe the hard drive and start a fresh!

Mr Whippy - 28/7/08 at 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Ben_Copeland

wipe the hard drive and start a fresh!


yeah do that and tell us how you get on

[Edited on 28/7/08 by Mr Whippy]

BenB - 28/7/08 at 03:26 PM

Running a virus scanner in safe mode or command mode sometimes works better....

ecosse - 28/7/08 at 05:31 PM

What program is telling you that you have viruses?
If it knows they are there it should also be able to clean them.
Remember, no system is so infected that it can't be cleaned, it's just that sometime's it is quicker or easier to restore or re-install.

I would be concerned that this has happened to you before, AV software not up to the job maybe?

owelly - 28/7/08 at 07:14 PM

The AV gubbins I have is old and is what was on the machine when I inherited it! It's only been infected twice before in the past two years and a system restore has fixed it but the bug seems to have buggered-up the system restore as there are no reset points available!!
It's "Anti Virus XP" that keeps flagging up but I've never actually installed it and I can find it to chuck it in the bin!

ecosse - 28/7/08 at 07:59 PM

Given that there is no "antivirus xp" it probably just some malware making a nuisense of itself, download spybot or adaware to fix it, and then download AVG or bitdefender for some free AV protection (also lots of deals going on Kaspersky just now if you want to pay )

PS or

owelly - 30/7/08 at 10:09 PM

I did as per the various U2u's (Cheers folks) and the 'puter is up and running. However, the desktop still displays the big "You have nasty things and it will kill your children" (or similar!!)
I now have Avast! installed and it has sorted out all the bad things it can find BUT there is no way to look at the Task Manager via ctrl+alt+del and there are no set points for System Restore. Even if I make one and try to go back to it.
I can live with it until I copy all the irreplaceable family photos before I reinstall XP!!