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Different body
Murphy - 11/4/12 at 10:32 PM


What bodies can fit on a locost? I have a seven style but like the idea of less drag full body types.

Where is best to look and what costs are involved.

Too much hassle or a good idea?

Thanks all

mangogrooveworkshop - 11/4/12 at 10:46 PM

mk do a full body

mangogrooveworkshop - 11/4/12 at 10:47 PM

back to bending

slingshot2000 - 11/4/12 at 11:28 PM




dlatch - 11/4/12 at 11:31 PM

snapper - 12/4/12 at 06:18 AM

Avon do a nice Fury type body for there 7 chassis

mangogrooveworkshop - 12/4/12 at 07:26 AM

Originally posted by dlatch

Oh Im on a mac so we don't suffer those types of issues >>>>>>very often

bonzoronnie - 12/4/12 at 08:16 AM

Originally posted by dlatch

I got a Malware warning from that link too

Don't know if MK are aware of a possible security issue with their site.

Full body options are something that interest me

Volvorsport - 12/4/12 at 06:05 PM

my back and knees are a bit nackered , can i have a different one ?

Slimy38 - 12/4/12 at 06:20 PM

Tiger's GTA fits on a seven...

rdodger - 12/4/12 at 07:25 PM

How about a Thruxton?