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Nearly ready for the S.V.aaaaaaaaaaa
Robert Ryan - 15/1/07 at 08:34 PM

Sat looking at the car all Christmas, need to get the car moving.
Hope To call at MNR this week to Sort S.V.aaaaaaaaaaaa. Can't get it out of my head. Rescued attachment sva 5.JPG
Rescued attachment sva 5.JPG

coozer - 15/1/07 at 08:44 PM

Hi Robert pleased to see you are nearly ready. I'm going down to MNR this saturday. Need a lift or anything??


Robert Ryan - 15/1/07 at 08:45 PM

Any advice on what I may need to do before the Big Day. Rescued attachment sva 4.jpg
Rescued attachment sva 4.jpg

Robert Ryan - 15/1/07 at 08:49 PM

Cheers Ste.
I hope to go this Wed if not,
I will come along on Sat.
Cheers Rob.

chockymonster - 15/1/07 at 09:42 PM


can you post some close ups of the exhaust and the clamps?

Mine failed on both of these.

chockymonster - 15/1/07 at 09:55 PM

Also what have you done with the lip of the tub that's inside the cockpit?

Robert Ryan - 15/1/07 at 10:05 PM

Hope to see mark / Chris re; Exhaust fittings this week. not sure what you mean about the tub.

chockymonster - 15/1/07 at 10:10 PM

WHere the green fibreglass meets the inner panels next to the driver and passenger seats.

Robert Ryan - 15/1/07 at 10:19 PM

O' that bit. Nothing so far, It fits tight against the carbon pannels. I have plenty of rubber if its needed. Rescued attachment kit 7.JPG
Rescued attachment kit 7.JPG

RichieC - 16/1/07 at 09:55 AM

Hi Robert, looks very tidy. How did you get the alu scuttle cover to look so neat? Wheres all your coil packs etc?

Just a couple of things I can see from that pic. Not sure if theyll like the cover around the steering column. If it was a sliding column they wouldnt be able to check for damage to the slide section.

Also, are you planning on putting an alumnium heat shield around the exhaust exit? It would be a shame to melt/discolour your bodywork.



[Edited on 16/1/07 by RichieC]

Robert Ryan - 16/1/07 at 10:04 PM

Most of the wiring I have located behind the clocks on two alu plates. I will take the stearing rack cover off. and for the exhaust I'LL THINK OF SOMETHING.


RichieC - 16/1/07 at 10:14 PM

Looks like the neatest R1 installation Ive seen. Blades always look a bit tidier whereas the R1 takes a little work to hide stuff, top job mate.

Intrigued to know exactly how youve hidden the coil packs/ecu etc though - any more photos as Im not 100% happy with my scuttle area.


[Edited on 16/1/07 by RichieC]

Robert Ryan - 16/1/07 at 10:25 PM

The coil packs are located high on the back of the foot-well. (engine side). Rescued attachment ID PIC.JPG
Rescued attachment ID PIC.JPG

RichieC - 16/1/07 at 10:32 PM

I take it you still had to extend the HT leads?

Same place for the ecu/relays etc?

[Edited on 16/1/07 by RichieC]

Robert Ryan - 16/1/07 at 10:38 PM

ecu/relays etc. I put onto the the alloy plate behind the clocks. Yes I exstended the HT leads.

[Edited on 16/1/07 by Robert Ryan] Rescued attachment seat 3.JPG
Rescued attachment seat 3.JPG

chockymonster - 16/1/07 at 11:44 PM

I love those seat covers!

Can you ask your friend if he'll do another set exactly the same

Robert Ryan - 17/1/07 at 05:59 PM

I will ask, I know he has a lot of work for the next few months making individual bike seats. I am going to try and get to most of the shows this year. Take a look and if you realy like them, I will get him to comitte to your order. He can do any style colour, logo and trim.

scoey m - 17/1/07 at 08:12 PM

I bet your extremley happy with the build looks like you made a fantastic job of it

Well done

I have nearly finished mine now just awaiting a few squid for custom exhaust making then thats it will try and post some pics soon

What a feeling it is nearly at the end and looking what you have acheived

Robert Ryan - 17/1/07 at 10:29 PM

Thanks for the comment's, It has been a learning experience just glad I am near the end. just need to find the money for SVA, INSURANCE, TAX, MOT, THE LIST GOES ON. does It ever Stop. I keep telling the wife I am going to take her out one weekend.( just never happens).