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indicator extensions
whitstella - 9/1/12 at 05:48 PM

hi i'm just after some measurements of indicators extensions???

can somebody help.

cheers steve

richard - 9/1/12 at 05:57 PM

will depend on the overall width of your vehicle and the size of your reflectors as it has to be within a certain distance from the outside of it.
not got a copy of the iva to hand but i know it on line, the ones i made for SVA were about 6 inch.

big_wasa - 9/1/12 at 06:02 PM

You need to see how long your indicators are. They need to sit no more than 400mm from the very outer edge of the car and not just the tyres.

The differance is how long they need to be.

Be carfull as the widest point is not allways the front arches and allow some room for error.