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Peugeot Quit
PeterV - 18/1/12 at 07:48 PM

Peugeot quit endurance racing stating the Euro economy and new product launches. Guess they don't like the new rules then.

Le Man & WEC 2012 will be a one horse race. Just a matter of which Audi wins. How boring! Maybe The ACO/FIA will finally do something about diesel power now and bring back Enduro raceing that all can play in

Ninehigh - 18/1/12 at 07:56 PM

Didn't think Peugeot and endurance racing went together

scootz - 18/1/12 at 07:59 PM


A French organisation quitting... no way!

Nickp - 18/1/12 at 08:24 PM

Originally posted by scootz

A French organisation quitting... no way!

Bit like an Italian Captain been first off his ship

Ninehigh - 18/1/12 at 08:31 PM

Probably not quit they've just run out of brake callipers so they won't be working until monday

PeterV - 18/1/12 at 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Nickp
Bit like an Italian Captain been first off his ship

Na he fell in into the life boat just like that bloke who fell into my ex wife {joking still married}
Still at least Le Mans will not get suspended every time it rains now the leaking Pugs are out of it. Don't think the ACO will be as kind to anyone else

morcus - 18/1/12 at 08:39 PM

Le Mans without any french teams? Thats just wrong.

PeterV - 18/1/12 at 08:50 PM

Originally posted by morcus
Le Mans without any french teams? Thats just wrong.

Oreca? Surely they will turn up with last years Pug.
Pescarolo? A petrol powered Pesci-roller or two could be there. Might even win if they can punt the odd Audi off the track

morcus - 18/1/12 at 09:31 PM

I know there will still be french teams, but they're not the same as a brand like Peugeot or Renault or Citreon competing at the top level.

Ninehigh - 18/1/12 at 09:36 PM

Originally posted by PeterV
Originally posted by Nickp
Bit like an Italian Captain been first off his ship

Na he fell in into the life boat just like that bloke who fell into my ex wife {joking still married}
Still at least Le Mans will not get suspended every time it rains now the leaking Pugs are out of it. Don't think the ACO will be as kind to anyone else

Sorry about falling on your ex wife, I've still no idea where my clothes went (joking never been to Essex)

PeterV - 18/1/12 at 10:10 PM

Ninehigh, So your the one legged man who could not keep his balance
Don't happen to have a parrot & command a ship as well do ya

Ninehigh - 18/1/12 at 10:28 PM

Oh I thought it was a one armed man... You are Richard Kimble aren't you?

ChrisW - 19/1/12 at 01:28 AM

At least Audi can have a crack at the race properly this year rather than playing 'dodge the kamakazi Peugeot'


PeterV - 19/1/12 at 09:51 AM

True Chris, the Pugs were way out of order last year. As long as McNish can dodge the peski GT1's that is.
I can almost see the ACO rewritting the rule book now that thier commrads have legged it. Would be nice to have a 4-5 make race again, but I guess with only one factory team.......

Bring back Porshe, Jag, Merc, Nissan, Toyota, Mazda, BMW and Panoz. Now theres a race line up
Oh while I'm in fantasy land let Mr chamberlain have another go with a proper car

Ahhhh going to swoon through the rest of the day enjoying my minds eye (and ear listening Radio LM in fade in out total amature mode)

Ninehigh - 19/1/12 at 04:56 PM

Originally posted by PeterV
Ahhhh going to swoon through the rest of the day enjoying my minds eye (and ear listening Radio LM in fade in out total amature mode)


I understand "mind's eye" but what the heck is "ear listening in fade in out total amature mode"?

PeterV - 19/1/12 at 05:51 PM

Ah just my reminiscences of when Radio Le Mans was broadcast from a ram shackled little caravan with a small twig for an antenna. If you were listening around the circuit you always had to face the right way or the broadcast would just fade out.

It was all very amateurish and one hell of a laugh before the big money arrived. Don't get me wrong nothing bad about today's more professional broadcast.

Good grief! I've just decided I'm past my sell by date
Going out now to find a care home. I may be some time........

Ninehigh - 19/1/12 at 06:41 PM

Ah right I'm with you now