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Fisher Fury
matty h - 8/8/12 at 09:06 PM

Has anyone any experience of live and irs fisher furys.
How do they compare handling wise for real life driving.
Can you change a live to IRS.
Thanks Matty

dickie b - 8/8/12 at 09:31 PM

The Fury has a great reputation - both on track and on the road. If its well set-up you will have a very sweet handling car.

The IRS vs Live axle discussion is same regardless of car : IRS is supposedly better at riding the bumps, while some say you cant beat a well set up Live axle on track.. I have driven both and tell you the truth? I could hardly tell the difference.

Ref conversion - you probably can get the job done in same way anything is possible with time and effort, but it will be such a load of work and grief / money you are better buying the car you want in the first place.

snapper - 9/8/12 at 04:31 AM

Converting live to IRS on a Fury chassis made for live is a big job
This could so raise up your rear end seriously compromising the handling and geometry
The Fury handles very well as is, it would be worth setting up what you have properly

Furyous - 9/8/12 at 09:29 AM

I could be wrong, but I get the impression there are more differential choices with IRS, and the English axle is somewhat prone to breaking the half shafts with big power meaning a change to the heavier Atlas axle. But not many people would have the power needed to break the English axle.

I only have experience driving my live axle Fury but the suspension was badly set up and I never drove it near the limit where you would notice a difference. It did seem to occasionally spin the back wheels when I went over bumps, but as I said, it was badly set up.

Someone said there's barely any weight difference between live axle and IRS. With IRS you don't have a big, heavy axle but you do have extra mounting beams on the chassis.

FuryRebuild - 10/8/12 at 10:44 AM

I have a fury IRS, and wouldn't swap it. It's comfy for two people, and you can do good distances in it.

Early cars (Mark Fisher days) could sometimes struggle a tiny bit with quality, but that was put right by the builders.

Later generations of ownership (Martin Bell, then Steve Hughes) both have made big strides forward in quality and design.

It's good for 200bhp out of the box, and others have put more through the chassis with little issue.

As an example of performance, 200bhp in mine was giving me 0-60 in about 4.8 seconds, and with the LSD, I could keep it tracking straight off the line with one hand on the wheel.

I still think it's one of the best looking cars out there as well.

I'd say go for IRS if you can; ultimately I think the handling is better (two reasons: all that weight of the diff is unsprung, and also the rear wheels aren't connected together), but that's at the hairy limit. If you're after hooning it around on the road and pootling about, then there may be merit in the cheaper option.

jeffw - 10/8/12 at 12:15 PM

Just to clarify, Kit Car Workshop never owned the Fury & Steve Hughes (Fury Sportscars) bought it from BGH Geartech who had purchased from Fisher Sportscars. Of course it was originally a Sylva so in order

BGH Geartech
Fury Sportscars.

On the issue of IRS v Live Axle. Live Axle is lighter and is pretty much impossible to make handle badly. IRS is more complex and is likely to be set up incorrectly (unless done by someone who knows what they are doing). Ultimately a IRS Fury will handle bumps & rough surfaces better than a Live Axle car but on a track (or smooth surface) there will be little or no difference

adithorp - 10/8/12 at 01:10 PM

"...Just to clarify, Kit Car Workshop never owned the Fury..."

The Kit Car Workshop (Martin Bell) came between mark Fisher and BGH. Thats where my kit came from. It was sold on to BGH when Martin had his health problems (there may be more to that but I'm not going into it here).

jeffw - 10/8/12 at 01:15 PM

Sorry Adi you're wrong. KCW where an agent, BGH purchased the rights from Fisher Sportscars who where also making cars at the same time as KCW. At no point was the project owned by KCW.

FuryRebuild - 10/8/12 at 02:16 PM

jeffw - fairly sure you're wrong there - Martin did start out as an agent, he gradually ended up owning the business as Mark went further and further into restoring houses. I remember when he was poorly some select customers were offered to express an interest in buying the business.

Do you have information to the contrary?

angels on the head of a pin, anyone?

jeffw - 10/8/12 at 04:05 PM

Yes, I know who BGH Geartech bought it from (Mark) and how much they paid, as I said KCW never owned the rights as far as I'm aware. I've had discussion with Mark Fisher, Brian & Chris at BGH & Steve (ex-Fisher/BGH/ now Fury sportscars) on this very subject.