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Router configuration
Greenie - 29/4/13 at 10:12 AM

My network provider is Talk Talk which I am using a Netgear hub for connection, although I believe this may be faulty, I still have, from a previous provider, a BT Home Hub, my question is can I configure the BT hub to accept my Talk Talk connection and if so can anyone help by explaining how this is done?

cheers in anticipation Peter

cerbera - 29/4/13 at 10:42 AM

Yes you can.

You need to log into your home hub ( I believe) from a browser window then find and change the internet username and password to your Talk Talk one.


[Edited on 29/4/13 by cerbera]

Greenie - 29/4/13 at 10:46 AM

That sounds easy enough but how do I find the user name fr my Talk Talk one, I have the pass word..... Sorry to sound thick, I am better off with a spanner in my hand not a PC....

Regards Peter

cerbera - 29/4/13 at 11:00 AM

It should be with the bumf they sent you. It will be

You will also need a username and password to log onto your home hub. I think the username will be admin and the password should be on label on the hub itself.


EX01 - 29/4/13 at 11:12 AM

It used to be that the BT Home Hubs were locked to BT only Broadband, I know because the only way I could get the spare one to work for my dad when his router died was to flash the BT router with a custom ROM to unlock it.

So if you cant get it too work, I would Google the BT router model (normally printer some place on it) along with "Can I use it on another provider"

I know BT after a certain modle number also prevented flashing a custom ROM so you may be out of luck...... Good Ol BT.

cerbera - 29/4/13 at 11:17 AM

I didn't realise that was the case.

britishtrident - 29/4/13 at 02:18 PM

it would probably be easier to pick-up a secondhand ADSL router off ebay for buttons. A quick ebay trwal brought up some actual Talk-Talk D-Link routers

Not Anumber - 29/4/13 at 05:08 PM

ADSL routers are relatively cheap and easy to pick up. I'd just buy one if there is a risk that your BT Home Hub router cannot be reconfigured.

Greenie - 29/4/13 at 07:51 PM

Cheers to everyone for there valuable advise.....struggling with the BT one may just take the ebay route.

Cheers again Peter