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Number plate theft
bob - 27/7/06 at 01:01 PM

Off to work this morning in the tin top 05.15 number plates gone screws and all


A phone call produced a crime number, 20 quid at the factors produced some new plates.

Days holiday lost

SeaBass - 27/7/06 at 01:08 PM

Unfortunately your car has probably now been 'cloned'. Expect some speed camera fines soon - good job you reported it. You will probably be stopped a few times over the next week lol...

Best move is to relocate to the Scottish Isles I'd say...

matt_claydon - 27/7/06 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by bob
Off to work this morning in the tin top 05.15 number plates gone screws and all


A phone call produced a crime number, 20 quid at the factors produced some new plates.

Days holiday lost

Bastards indeed. And to make matters worse you should probably expect a few speeding tickets/parking fines through the door over the following months

balidey - 27/7/06 at 01:12 PM

Beat them at their own game.

Go through as many speed traps as fast as possible. Then just claim it wasn't you, as you have a crime reference number.

bob - 27/7/06 at 01:17 PM

i'l report back on how many speeding tickets parking fines and unpaid congestion charges i get

Just about to pen a letter off to the DVLA which i was advised to do as well, giving them the crime number and time the car was last used.

Danozeman - 27/7/06 at 01:30 PM

Theres another word for people that do that and its not bastards.. Begins with c.

There will probably be some drive aways in fuel stations too.

graememk - 27/7/06 at 01:58 PM

i had mine nicked when the london charges came in and i got loads of fines in the post, i bought a £250 personal plate in the end.

David Jenkins - 27/7/06 at 02:13 PM

There is a solution coming, but not until the autumn...



ned - 27/7/06 at 02:42 PM

i have heard of (but not yet seen) the tamper proof/one way screws, sort of like security screws which you might be able to get where the drive section of the head of the screw snaps off leaving a domed screw top. not going to stop them but they might do the car next door as it'd be easier...


bob - 27/7/06 at 02:53 PM

screwfix sell security shear nuts (12099)
M6 M8 and M10 but i'm sure i have seen the tamperproof screws sommewhere.
They allow a flat head screwdriver to rotate clockwise but not anticlock.

David Jenkins - 27/7/06 at 02:55 PM

Industrial-grade double-sided tape would also be useful...

ned - 27/7/06 at 02:56 PM

yeah i think they work something along the lines that the slot is wasted on one side (or half of each side opposing iyswim) so you can only do them up, try to undo them and the screwdriver just falls off the screwhead...


David Jenkins - 27/7/06 at 02:58 PM

You'd have to use steel screws instead of the current nylon jobs, otherwise you could just cut the head off with a knife.

MkIndy7 - 27/7/06 at 04:14 PM

Or just something a bit more obscure.

The thiefs will go out with a Phillips or Flat screwdrive in their pocket because thats what they've all got.

Put an allen screw, or torques bit or even a bolt and then there highly unlikely to have the correct tool with them.

Danozeman - 27/7/06 at 05:07 PM

You can get tamperproof torx screws which have a pin up the middle. Nothing will undo unless u have the right tool.

I wonder how many people will buy the anti nick plates and fit them with phillips screws so they can just be unscrewed.

jollygreengiant - 27/7/06 at 05:43 PM

If you go down to a good fixing/screw supplier (Local to me is East Midland Fastners in Wellingborough), then you will find that they do a whole/large range of anti tamper/tamper proof/use once fixings, with a variety of heads suitable for number plate use.

Best of all is they are relatively cheap.

theconrodkid - 27/7/06 at 05:48 PM

ive got zillions of stainless allens,a squirt of black silicone on the back as well should make them pretty imovabubble

matt.c - 27/7/06 at 07:43 PM

Buy metal number plates and wire them to your battery!!!!


They should have there hands cut off when they get caught!

caber - 27/7/06 at 10:27 PM

Don't know why they bother you can still buy individual stick on numbers and reflective backgrounds from trailer suppliers! There are plenty dodgy plate makers still around as well!


ned - 28/7/06 at 06:21 AM

not forgetting you can still buy 'show plates' from numerous suppliers and at shows...


Brooky - 28/7/06 at 09:56 AM

There is no such thing as a tamper proof screw. I have seen a demo of a prisoner who got a tooth brush, melted the end with a lighter ( thats not the bristle end by the way ) and forced the warm plastic onto the head of the screw. Once the plastic had cooled, he had the perfect tool to remove the screw.

ChrisJLW - 28/7/06 at 10:41 AM Supply legal plates and you don't need any documentation. They're better quality compared to the crap I get from the 'legal' plate suppliers. Sealed edges, that make the plate last longer than 6 months.

owelly - 30/7/06 at 07:25 PM

But you have to pay for those plates. If you nick them, they are free!!
And I noticed a 'security screwdriver set' in the local chavvy £1 shop the other day. It had all the Torx/Allen keys with the hole up the middle and a few I'd never seen!!

Dazza - 31/7/06 at 07:00 PM

The best way, after reading all the comments, and having a little experience............. would be

Good quality bouble sided 1st, tamperproof screws, plastic caps, superglue the caps closed, and park it in a garage....... Chain the dog(bigger the better) to the car with a lead long enough to make it round the car, put CCTV with infa red night vision on front and back, with signs to make it legal. The sit up all nite with a shotgun aimed in the general direction, loaded. A couple big security guards with some rather large Mag Lights that are way to big to actually be torches, with attitudes to match, and finally, to finish it off, have all that behind a 10 foot wall with anti climb grease, razor wire on top and flood lights that turn on when an ant wonders by........................................

That will show em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

martyn_16v - 31/7/06 at 07:04 PM

you forgot the caltraps

BKLOCO - 31/7/06 at 07:27 PM

12v DC to 240v AC inverters are very cheap now.
Better than any tamper proof screws.

Dazza - 31/7/06 at 10:07 PM

and any more ideas to keap bobs new number plates on the car where they are meant to stay, i am sure, will be greatly received, lol...............

Maybe even the original...... a stick on number plate, with stick on letters. shame it wont pass an mot if the rear aint in the original LIT up position, or sticking them in the window would be good. hehe.........

JoelP - 31/7/06 at 10:23 PM

surely sikaflex alone is enough?

bob - 1/8/06 at 06:36 PM

good call joel,i've buggered the screws and glued the caps on a the moment.

Since i can still flex the plates at each edge i think a tube of sikaflex is in order,i'l pick some up at the trade counter when dazza goes next.

Dazza - 1/8/06 at 10:46 PM

will be going in next couple weeks i shud think................

so put the security, dogs, wall, cctv and razor wire on standby then????? hehe